3 Valuable Traits

in Hive Naijalast year

There is something called "individual difference".
This is what separates Mr A from B, this is what makes everyone unique in their own way.
Humans are a product of nature and nurture, our environment have a way of shaping our behaviors so also does the parental upbringing we receive.This culmunates into the uniqueness everyone expresses. However, there are traits that I feel people should possess in other to make living worthwhile regardless of your unique nature/personality.

Empathy: This is the bedrock of humanity, there is no humanity without empathy, what makes us humane is the ability to relate with one another's pain, the ability to put yourself in other people's shoes and understand why they do what they do.
Empathy revolves around our ability to sympathize and feel the pains of others by so doing, you will not randomly hurt people and you will not be cruel to them. With empathy in place, the world will be a better place for everyone, couples will love each other better, friendships will last and bosses will be more patient with their subordinates. Homes will be peaceful, work environment will no longer be toxic, service providers will be more patient with their clients, people accessing services will no longer be rude and violent.
We can never go wrong with empathy.

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Communication skill: This is another trait I wish people can develop. Good communication skill can foster good relationship between different parties, good communication skill include:
*Listening ability
*Body language
*Verbal and written communication skill.
When these skills are developed, effective interaction between various parties will be in place, misunderstanding will be on the decrease because one party knows how to communicate their ideas while the other party knows how to receive the idea communicated.
Good communication skill can ward off offences, stop fights and foster peace.
The manner a thing is said is as important as the thing said.

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Someone might say a thing but because it wasn't well articulated, it might sound to be something else in the ears of the listener. A bad body language might go a long way in offending a client who presents to an organization.
The need for good communication skill cannot be over emphasized.

Humility: This is a virtue that births greatness in the lives of humans. People tend to repel proud persons because they esteem themselves higher than every other person, they feel they are better off and as such other people are worthless, such persons can never learn, they are unteachable while a humble person is open to learning and as you learn you keep growing and becoming better. Humility is authority and power under control. A humble person seek ways of impacting the people around them positively.
When you see the flaws in others, humility helps you profer ways of helping them becoming better not lording it over them and rubbing it in that you are better than them.
Humility helps you to serve and service in turn rewards.
Humble people are likeable people, they tend to command the loyalty and love of people.

These are 3 valuable traits I wish everyone had to make the world a better place.


You emphasized a lot on the importance of empathy and truly, the world would have been a better place if everyone possessed the trait. Communication is underrated as well, a lot of petty trouble we see out there daily can be prevented if people can learn to use their words properly.

Humility crowns it all and I enjoyed reading through your post. Thanks for participating in the Hive Naija weekly prompt.

Yeah, thanks for reading

 last year  

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All these you've mentioned are truly needed. Humility helps us, and so does communication. It saves us more headaches than we'll ever know.

Yeah, thanks for your review