How Does Thermodynamics Affect Our Lives?

in Utopian5 years ago

How Does Thermodynamics Affect Our Lives?

What is thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the relation between heat and mechanical energy. In particular, it describes how mechanical energy converted into heat and heat converted into work. In thermodynamics, ‘Thermo’ refers to heat and ‘dynamics’ refers to motion. There are four laws in thermodynamics and these laws drive everything that happens in the universe. [5]

How does thermodynamics help us?

Thermodynamics is very important to us. We entirely depend on thermodynamics, and it’s laws. By thermodynamics laws, scientists are invented many things. It has changed our life. It has contributed a lot to human life and modern science. From this article, you can know how thermodynamics helps us.

A refrigerator is very essential for us nowadays. We use a fridge for food preservation, such as vegetables and milk for a longer time. The cold temperature inside the refrigerator makes barriers to create bacteria and thus, it preserves food for a long time. Do you know, the fridge is made based on the second law of thermodynamics?

image credit : butterflyfields 

In extreme temperature, we need to cool or comfortable temperature in our room. In summer, the air is so hot because it contains a lot of moisture and steam. We need to remove moisture and steam from our room to make a cold or comfortable temperature in the room. We use an air conditioner for this process. The air conditioner removes heat from the room and replaces it to cooler air. This entire process makes our room to a comfortable temperature and we feel relaxed. It makes our life comfortable. Air conditioners are made by the base of thermodynamics laws. [1]

The microwave oven is used to heats and cooks food. It is an electric oven that exposes electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range. The microwave oven is common and most popular in our kitchen. We use it for reheating previously cooked foods and also cooking some foods. By using it, we can quickly reheat or cook many foods. It saves us much time which we spend in the kitchen and makes our life more comfortable. It takes less time to heating food. In this process, the quality of the food remains the same. It is also made by the laws of thermodynamics. [2]

We use transport for movement one place to another place, and without it, we can’t move. It makes our communication system easy. The transport system is made by the base of TD. Power plant and industrial processes are also made by the TD which is changing the economy of a country. The thermometer is invented by the zeroth law of TD. The pressure cooker which we use in our kitchen was made by the base of TD laws. Doctors use radiography which is possible to be made by thermo-physics concept. Phones, laptops, tablets, etc. are very important for us and we can’t live a single moment without it. It is also designed by the heat transfer law.[3]

image credit : chinadialogue 

There are many more invented by thermodynamics. It makes our life more comfortable. The first law of TD states that heat is a form of energy and is subjected to the principle of conservation of energy. Heat can’t be created or destroyed. It can be transferred from one place to another and converted one form to another form of life. [4]

All the process which happen in our surrounding is driven by thermodynamics laws. Even our daily life is guided by it. From second laws, it tells whether a process is possible or not ( actually, entropy tells us ). We entirely depend on thermodynamics. We can’t imagine our modern science without TD law, and without it, none can develop their country. So we can say that thermodynamics affect our life an effective role.





