My Business Plan With Pigeons Farm

in Utopian5 years ago (edited)

Basically, the primary hobby of pigeon keeping awakens when I entered college in 2016. However, it was not started due to lack of adequate environment in my home and the financial support for the pigeons by my own money at most part. I have been reasoning with various small business matters since last year.

Since the pigeon is an awesome bird I like since childhood and at the same time I am currently thinking about the business, so why not business through the pigeons? In fact, it's possible to do a good business with pigeons by very little effort and very little capital. However, pigeons need to be properly cared and well planned. Pigeons give birth to a good number of babies in a very short time and the babies also grow very fast. Let me tell you one thing, my pigeon keeping did not start from the thinking of a business plan, rather because of my love for pigeons, the business plan was created.


(These are called "Loton Pigeons". The special character of them are ground rolling. So much nice and cute pigeons.)

The observance begins here from and now on. Besides, what better way could there be than to spend time through a pigeon farm in this pandemic moment around the world? Nevertheless, I initially started with two or three pairs of native breed pigeons and two pairs of fancy pigeons.

Basically, my younger brother Nazmul is cooperating in this work all the time. At first I started keeping 4-5 pairs of pigeons as per my hobby. But, I noticed that the pigeon is giving a very good results in very fast. So I started market research. I realized, having fancy pigeons is much more profitable than the native breed of pigeons.

It is possible to earn a very good income through fancy pigeons. In turn, I sold the native breed pigeons. And I started buying different types of fancy pigeons. I took a business plan. I have about 10 pairs of fancy pigeons now which I bought recently.

With three cages and all the necessary items. It costs about 500$. Of note, I put my money into my pigeons farm by remarkably the payments of the founder of utopiaeducators and some collaboration from my younger brother and family to work on this small business plan. That's why I am extremely grateful to utopiaeducators and John Lambrechts personally.

My business plan:

I have 10 pairs of fancy pigeons. The average cost per pair is about 40. Therefore, it is easily understood how much their babies are as good demand as possible. Pigeons usually lay eggs after 1 to 1.5 months in consecutively.

Let's say, I will get 6 pairs of chicks pigeons out of 10 pairs of running pigeons, then the number of my pigeons in a year is going to be about 60-70 pairs. My target is to increase 50-60 pairs of pigeons in 1 year. As you can see, with this pigeon, it is possible to easily earn 150 to 300$ at the end of the month after that 1 year of target. How? By selling their babies or selling good size and age's pigeons. You can earn a minimum of 12 dollars for per pair of pigeons by selling the price of a good breed of fancy baby (1-and-a-half months age's). Now you can easily understand how it is possible. Many are earning more than this. This is my business plan with pigeons.

One thing to keep in mind is that all businesses have the potential for both profit and loss. Many pigeons can die at the same time due to various diseases of pigeons. However, this is not usually the case with good care.

And it is very easy to take good care of. Regular cleaning and giving water, food and well environmental care are just enough for pigeons farm.

Let's take a look at some pictures of my farm and pigeons.


These are Sabji Racers pigeons. Very stronger and speedy at air. They often use for a nice racing tournament.


Cross of Giribaj and good fancy pigeons. Very capable of childbearing. Got 3-4 pairs of babies from them and sold them. They currently have one single baby that was recently born.


These are called Siraji pigeons. There are many types of Siraji pigeons. These are mixed of white and black color. Excessively demandable , hot looking, nice shaped and very angry :p .


Jorna Sartin. Very calm and good pigeons. These can be used as a regular domestic pet. You can easily handle and train them intelligently.

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Magpie - pretty cool and calm but very strongest. Long and large bread of pigeons.


Super curios and special type of pigeon which is called "Mukkhi". Their necks spring back and forth. They are very popular for springing their heads.


Two cages of pigeons.

Finally, I am very happy to have them. I am investing a good time with my small farm. Hope, you will pray for me. And it's very interesting that one of my best friends named @awladtalukder got motivated from my plan. He is setting up a "Bajighar" bird's firm at his home. Check out : "Leisure time with awlad's birds" blog.

Thanks everyone. Hope you liked it.


Yes for sure.Thanks you Utopia Educators <3