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RE: The absolute clown state of modern times

in Informationwar3 years ago

What do you suggest we do in a global pandemic? There are a very small % of people who can’t take vaccine for medical reasons. But a large majority of people who are not taking it by “choice” and because they can read Facebook, I have no sympathy for them.


If the vaccine is safe AND EFFECTIVE!
But it is neither!

The thing is, I specifically avoided talking about the vaccine or the science on this post to avoid touchy topics, it's the whole social bananas around it! But yeah, I am on the same side as you, my gf, dad, and dogs want me to vaccinate, I told them I would in 5 to 10 years, if I ever.

That is a good time horizon after which one reasonably well can assess the true safety profile of a completely new drug! But not the one year rush they sloppily did.

The "vaccine" they are using isn't a true vaccine, they changed the definition of what a "vaccine" is, instead of a one or two shots and done forever its now a "get a booster shot every 6 months for the rest of your life because it wears off after 6 months".

Big Pharma going to make billions per year, selling a product that wears out that a lot of people will be forced to take. And that product is only really useful for people who are at risk, vaccinated people spread the virus at the same rate that unvaccinated people spread it. Taking a vaccine is only protects the person who takes it. It doesn't stop the spread of covid, which has been admited lately from all the major news orgs.

Yep, mRNA is an experimental gene modification treatment - not related to vaccines in any way, except that both are given through an injection.

What do you suggest we do in a global pandemic?

  1. Stop doing gain-of-function research
  2. Stop pushing a false narrative of a "pandemic"
  3. Don't ever trust eugenicists to want anything but eugenics.

There's a very thin line between enforcing (notice the italic) and taking away your freedoms. I have no real world suggestions because all of them sound as radical as socially enforcing a vaccine and are not doable irl. Once we remove the self determination precept of deciding to get or to not get a vaccine, it can easily create a snowball effect affecting other precepts.

I have no sympathy for the smoker who dies of lung cancer, but would I support the social enforcement of stop smoking or else...? I'm not so sure about it. It's their life and they are entitled to do whatever they want with it as long as they are not harming anyone.

Now, if a unvaccinated person goes around knowingly spreading a disease, then the law should fall with full force upon them, because then they wouldn't be affecting only their life, but others' as well. I don't want to fall into a slippery slope here so I'll try to be as careful as possible: If a person is DUI and kills someone, there shouldn't be mercy when applying the law (this could be similar to walking around unvaccinated) but, if a person has a car accident and kills someone then there is space for mercy (a vaccinated person who got covid and unkowingly spread it and someone died).

I'm not anti vaccines, I'm pro freedom of choice. If you get it, good for you, if you don't get it, well, good for you.

This falls into the same kind of argument as: I may not agree with you voting for Trump, it is a stupid voting choice, but you are entitled to do so if you want.

The science is not opinionated, but people are entitled to make a choice, and this is the whole point of this post and I hope you see it. People are entitled to make a decision, and not be enforced to follow a specific path.

taking away your freedom is a rather BIG WORD.

It is easy to use big words on your keyboard. Not so much in the real world. If getting or not getting a vaccine is a 'measure' of your 'freedom'; I suggest you broaden your field of view, and look around the world :)

Life is a 'thin line'. We walk that every day. I plan on walking that thin line on my own, with my opinion and I own it.

I hope you own yours too.

If we think we know everything, we know nothing. We should question everything in order to evolve so we are able to move forward at a greater speed than if we aren't questioning at all, as well as that we first must fail in order to succeed.

After all, it is our ego that speaks to the mind first, not people.

If science equals safety, which I agree with 100%, why don't we listen more carefully to those scientists that share a very concerning message "vaccinated people can still spread and catch covid19"? Why do we wave and bury this kind of life-threatening information? Why should it be -more- important to take the vaccine, than to take care of a safe environment together as a united planet and take responsibility as an individual? As a vaccinated person with this knowledge, we can say that it is moronic to go anywhere untested.

How much I would like to see a fully working vaccine, we simply don't have it yet. It isn't fair to point fingers at the unvaxxed.

I don't want to go much into this vaccine topic but I agree with you, it is not a vaccine, it is just a 'prep' in case you get covid, but even on the CDC website says that the vaccine won't stop you from getting it or spreading it, it just prepares you to face it... but yeah, thanks for chopping in, I'm glad this post caught some people's attention.

It is a fact that “vaccinated people can still spread and catch covid19".

I don’t think anyone is burying that info. It is also a fact that vaccinated people are much less likely to be seriously ill. It is also a fact that with nearly 7.5B does given, side effects are less than side effect from a common drug like paracetamol.

If you like you can question if earth is round, go ahead and question. You will a laughing stock :)

Seems like we have nothing to worry about then!

Not on Covid, no.

To be clear though, you studied for vaccine development, right?

Remember, mRNA is not a vaccine by any definition of the word. It is an experimental gene modification treatment, designed to sterilize (as Pfizer's own data shows, the spike proteins attack the reproductive organs within hours of injection.)

The taking away of freedom being referenced is the fact that pharmaceutical companies and their government employees are using threats of violence & kidnapping, forcibly shutting down businesses, shooting & assaulting people, and kidnapping children - all for not taking an experimental, dangerous injection, for a flu season that passed over a year ago.

That's why I mentioned the thin line. There's a thin line between small words and BIG words.

I do own it, and I will never stand between you and your decision to walk that thin line on your own, with your opinion owned.

And I believe everyone should do the same.