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RE: Miscalculations put Putin in trouble

in Informationwar3 years ago

In parallel, it became clear that none of the Kremlin's goals or estimates were correct. Today, half a year into the war, Russia is backfiring in its invasion of Ukraine, despite the latter losing about 20 percent of its territory.

There wasn't a set timeline. They still are completing their objectives:

Stop NATO from setting up bases in Ukraine.
Demilitarize and Denazify
Liberate Donbass

With the failure of Russian assessments to win a quick war by controlling the capital, Kyiv, and removing President Volodymyr Zelensky from power in a swift and precise process, the latter was able to turn the equations and change European and American positions towards increasingly supporting his country politically, militarily and economically, in return for Moscow's political and economic isolation.

Not only did no Russians even attempt an attack on Kiev it wouldn't benefit Russia to take over the dysfunction that would come after an assassination. They lose all legitimacy that they had by going to the rescue of the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics, and would need many times the troops to occupy and control the entire country. Not only that, Putin made it clear that he needs Elensky alive so he can sign the peace agreement, without which the war would never end or and no peace would be recognized. The biggest lie is that Elensky changed Europe's and America's position, when they have always been the same, 8 years of genocide in Donbass and Europe and America was helping Ukraine the entire time, they said nothing to Ukraine blocking Crimea's main source of freshwater, and to this day, despicable idiots like yourself count Crimea as Ukrainian. So what has changed? The saga goes back 14 years for the Americans, when they launched the operations to capture the Ukraine by Fascists and Fascist idolizers alike.

The failures inflicted on the Russian army revealed that the Russian military capabilities were greatly exaggerated

Failure is based on Iraq invasion, decimating everything and sparing nothing. The Russian came with AID, and this is how they treat the enemy:


Somali battalion got a new batch of prisoners. They were in the process of patching them up and tending to their wounds in the trench when the angry AFU started trying to kill their own "surrendered" forces by bombing them.

### noidont
This was a great video. They didnt cuss at the Ukrainians one time, which is crazy. In fact they used very friendly terms like "brother," when addressing them a few times.

at 00:20 seconds the Russian soldier filming the Ukrainian recieving first aid ask's how he got his injuries. He says he was hit with grenade shrapnel.

At 00:38 the Ukrainian soldier casually standing beside the Russian soldier filming says "Thank you for your help, that is my friend," in reffernece to the guy getting first aid.

1:00 in that guys hand is fucked.

1:12 The shelling starts and the unit's commander tell's everyone to go further in the trenches. He even commands the POWs no different than his own men. Once again, no swearing at them.

2:01 He's directing Ukrainian POW's, patting them on the back, not corralling them with their rifles. He even says, "Be careful men, everything will be ok. Dont worry men, God is with us, everything will return to normal."

Good to see such humanity in such a bloody war.

Wounded In Legs And Stomach - AFU Soldier Abandoned By His Own Is Rescued By Russian Troops

"‼️🇷🇺 "🅾️tvazhnye" rescued a wounded Ukrainian militant

He was abandoned by his brothers after he was wounded in the stomach and legs. They saw that he was alive, but they abandoned him anyway. For three days he lay like this without water and food, drinking urine. Our people evacuated him and took him to the hospital.

Such an attitude towards their comrades-in-arms says only one thing. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have definitely ceased to be a regular army, it has turned into a pack of bandits without any principles and ideas.

That is why Ukraine will never be able to win, the political technologies of the rotten regime work on the Maidan, but not on the battlefield."

The Russian Forces were tasked with fixing the opponent's forces away from Donbass and especially Mariupol. Meanwhile in Donbass and Mariupol it was the Volunteers from Chechnya, the Syrian and Ossetia volunteers, and PMC Wagner, all working alongside the people who have been fighting for independence for 8 years. The DNR and LNR forces are the Militias who despite being poorly equipped, lacking any sophisticated equipment or training, and being comprised in vast majority by Defectors from the Ukrop, have continued to push Ukrop back and continue to benefit from captured equipment and defectors. The Russians in showing that they are fighting for the people, not for territory, have won the hearts and minds and that is what the military's primary objective in any operation is.

Despite the assertion of the Russian political and military leaders that the "special military operation" is going according to plan, the events of the last six months revealed drastic changes in the tactics of the Russian army.

No drastic or otherwise changes in tactics happened. The initial movement was deliberate to keep the army in Donbass without resupply, to keep the Ukrop in the cities, and meanwhile to fixate the resistance in Donbass then use Artillery and Attrition to drive the enemy to surrender or continue retreating into more and more untenable positions.

It also showed fluctuations in the main battlefronts, through the decline in focus on the capital, Kyiv, with the intensification of work on eastern and southern Ukraine, without achieving the first primary goal of the war, which is "protecting the Donbass region."

The first and primary was to stop NATO from going into Ukraine.
That was accomplished the moment Russia declared the SMO.
The next goal was the Demilitarization and Denazification of Ukraine, not just Donbass
Clearly Donbass will be secured first, by denazifying and demilitarizing the occupied region, as they have been doing. Severodonetsk, Lyshychansch, Mariupol.

After fierce battles, Russia and Ukrainian separatists managed to control Luhansk, but the fronts in Donetsk have been in a state of stalemate since the end of last June, with the Ukrainian army preventing the fall of the cities of Bakhmut, Slaviansk and Kramatorsk, and retaining about 40 percent of the area of ​​Donetsk region with its administrative borders in 2014. .

They have advanced all the way into Bakhmut, so what do you mean stalemate? They haven't taken many other cities or towns but to claim they haven't made any progress since June when they have continued to gain ground, gaining hundreds of km² since Lyshychansch fell.

Since last May, it has become clear that the "special operation" has turned into a war of military, political and economic attrition between Russia and the "collective West", with several indications that everything that happened for half a year is nothing more than a prelude to "bone-breaking" battles, the end of which defines features. A radically different world than it was before February 24.

Right Sector in Odessa burned dozens alive, in Kivv dozens were massacred by Right Sector snipers, looting, raping, executions, were unleashed on Donbass, on Mariupol, on Donetsk and on Luhansk, so what radical difference..

Militarily, the failures inflicted on the Russian army in the first phase of the war, the stalemate two months ago in the second phase, and the emergence of major deficiencies in the logistical and operational fields, revealed that the Russian military capabilities were greatly exaggerated, and also showed that the Russian army is not ready to fight an all-out war. And long on the ground, despite Russia's formidable capabilities in the field of ballistic missiles, including the hypersonic missiles that President Vladimir Putin has so much boasted about.

The implicative point worth making is that if the first phase included complete occupation, what would be the second, and third phases? I emphasized your narrative because it seems that if the first phase failed, how can you move onto phase deux! If the first phase completed, then the first phase couldn't have been to occupy KIVV and kill Elensky.
The last sentence doesn't have a subject, in effect it doesn't make any sense.

The main objective of demilitarizing Ukraine was largely completed by the complete degradation and subsequent capture of the Army in Donbass and the Marines and Nazi in Mariupol. All else either fled, deserted or are destroyed. Territorial Defense Forces are almost depleted as well..

The war also revealed a weakness in conventional weapons, despite the massive armament programs since the Russian war on Georgia in 2008, and that fighting a real war with an enemy that possesses weapons is completely different from the “weapons testing fields” in Syria since 2015.

What weakness? Just a general weakness against "real war"?
As if Russia didn't prepare, or that they didn't destroy 200k Ukrop in 6 months? They did it with poorly equipped Militias, and Russian Surplus, with Volunteers from three different countries, and of course, with Russian logistics, and Air and Artillery. I don't see any Ukrainian Equipment. Ukrainians are reduced to Civilian Transport. Ukraine reinforced Severodonetsk before it fell, leading to a lot of captured equipment as they fled from Lyshychansch:

While it is not possible to ascertain from an impartial source the extent of Russian casualties, the US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Personnel Affairs Colin Kahl said, during a media briefing, on August 8, that “Russia has lost between 70 and 80,000 soldiers since the outbreak of the war.” "This number includes the dead and wounded," he explained.

Even if that were true: Ukraine is reported at 200k, that's 2.5 to 1 Russian, or should we say DNR, LNR, PMG, or Chechen? How many Volunteers in Ukraine?

If Russia lost 80k out of 120k, they couldn't be a cohesive force. Reality contradicts the 80k figures even if you considered most of the casualties as Militia and Volunteers.

The war also revealed the deterioration of the morale of the soldiers, and the lack of conviction in fighting the Ukrainians, which prompted the Russian leadership to use the Chechen forces, and public talk about the participation of "Wagner" mercenaries in the war.

The Chechen forces have been fighting from day one. I'm not sure when Wagner got involved but it was hardly for lack of manpower, the Russians never had a problem in that regard. Meanwhile, Ukraine is reduced to terrorizing its own people to fight, or should we say die:


Machine translation: The 93rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is in Soledar. Constantly bears losses. When they asked for fire support, their artillery hit them.

They refused to stand in positions. For this, their commanders gave the order to disarm them and leave them in the trenches, and to shoot them for leaving, adding to them that they would come out of there only two hundredth (killed). The failed defenders decided to make public the severity of their situation by recording this video.