It's at the point now where basically nobody and nothing can be trusted but the thing is, most of the somewhat intelligent people that I know are very aware of this and simply don't trust anyone, even the candidates that they purport to like. I think at this point that partisan war-lines have been drawn and people are going to vote along those lines and only those lines. How else can we explain these terrible legacy congresspeople and absurd candidates like brain-damaged football players getting nominated because they are black and somewhat famous as well as someone like Dr. Oz being in a race against a guy that at that time anyway, was barely capable of talking.
Seeing everyone try to one up one another on the crazy scale is embarrassing and while I do not pay much attention to international politics I wonder if it is the same sort of crazy shit show that it is here. I certainly hope not but it wouldn't surprise me.
I believe it is, because elections all over the world are now coming down to 50-50 votes between two parties. We are being managed via psyops and subterfuge and media and and and... to be evenly divided. Divide and conquer. It is extremely important to not engage against one side or the other.
I explain it to myself as ploitics being entertainment for the populace. Kinda like the hunger games except the entertained are also the victims.