( december 12, 2021 )
It's official now: The gene vaccination damages the immune system in the long term and puts vaccinated people at great risk

The report says on page 23:[…] recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination.
Translation: Recent observations (evaluations) of surveillance data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) show that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who contract infection after two doses of vaccination.
This simply means that the antibodies produced naturally by the immune system against a virus (specifically a mutation) are noticeably less in those who have been vaccinated twice, which is clearly linked to the vaccination – by the UKHSA itself. The report's conclusion is therefore not surprising: higher antibody levels protect (naturally) better against infection:
I myself got 2 of the moderna, had heart pain for over a month. Not taking any boosters.
The damage is actually quite soon after injection and most likely continues long term especially if one keeps injecting oneself with the poison shot. This was predicted from the outset by those who knew what what going on. I guess its good to have it confirmed. Yet so much has already come out and no one in a position that counts is listening or cares. The C-jab just keeps on rolling out until they'll be jabbing early fetal tissue. Because it has nothing to do with health.