( 2011 Nov 23.)
Transgenerational inheritance of an acquired small RNA-based antiviral response in C.elegans
It is scientifically confirmed again that mRNA vaccines change DNA, even becoming a hereditary characteristic in the following generations, it is known because there are studies since 2011.

AbstractInduced expression of the Flock House virus in the soma of C. elegans results in the RNAi-dependent production of virus-derived, small interfering RNAs (viRNAs), which in turn silence the viral genome. We show here that the viRNA-mediated viral silencing effect is transmitted in a non-Mendelian manner to many ensuing generations. We show that the viral silencing agents, viRNAs, are transgenerationally transmitted in a template-independent manner and work in trans to silence viral genomes present in animals that are deficient in producing their own viRNAs. These results provide evidence for the transgenerational inheritance of an acquired trait, induced by the exposure of animals to a specific, biologically relevant physiological challenge. The ability to inherit such extragenic information may provide adaptive benefits to an animal.
Great info! Thanks for sharing! There are every day more proofs about it!
Thank you, pass it on so that more people on the planet find out what is happening.