The genocidal and useless government

in Informationwar2 months ago

The genocidal and useless government


Hello friends of this community, Spain was hit, I am not saying that in the future of this country's history we will again encounter a government as indecent and amoral as the one we suffered, but of course it will be difficult, because the bar they set leaving is very high.

The level of ignominy and lack of humanity is going to be very difficult to overcome, because while all of Spain was focused on Valencia, shocked by the tragedy, the government of this country in the council of ministers was busy with other tasks that apparently are unnecessary. urgent need to help the Valencian people.

These tasks consisted of placing its partners in the seats of the Spanish Television Council and raising the price of diesel in one of the largest increases known, equating the price of diesel to that of gasoline, almost a 10% tax increase. to diesel and if this is not enough, another of the urgent measures to be taken was to also raise another tax on the personal income tax on certain incomes, while this country was collaborating, organizing collection points to bring food, charter trucks, go with your own hands to remove mud, the government of the nation was busy raising the price of diesel.


This particular “fishermen's profit in a troubled river” becomes a macabre “thieves' profit in a troubled river”, and that is to take advantage of the confusion to sneak in a measure as unpopular as the increase in the price of diesel fuel, the most used for the popular class, the one they do not leave “behind.”

The poor drive with diesel cars, not with ecological ones, zero hybrid electric cars, a shame that equates the price of diesel with that of gasoline, something that has gone unnoticed because normally people are not worried about those things, they are more worried about the tragedy who are suffering in Valencia, an opportunity that the government uses to sneak this measure into the public without people finding out.

Do you seriously think that some government as disgustingly inhuman as this one, that a council of ministers that coincides with the tragedy, instead of taking urgent measures to help the Valencian people, what they do is approve the seats of the Public Television Council to control it? Moreover, if possible, smite the workers who drive their diesel Ibizas and penalize savings.

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