The left was always of the Globalist Agenda

in Informationwar4 months ago

The left was always of the Globalist Agenda


Hello friends of this platform, there is no more powerful and more economical army than an army of illiterate people, and this is something that the world elite, the globalist agenda, wants to emphasize and take advantage of; 2030 and more.

The socialist countries have had their opportunity, they have presented us with an ideal world, a world of Justice, where there are no social differences, but what we have found is that everyone who lives in that socialist paradise has fled as best they could.

The Germany after the Second World War was divided into two zones, the same society, the same ethnic group, the same customs, and yet half of it was the German Democratic Republic, the socialist one, and the other half was the German Federal Republic, the evil capitalist one, and among the Two of them had to build a wall because everyone wanted to escape from one area to another, but oh what a coincidence! that everyone wanted to escape from socialist Germany.

The Berlin Wall was not made to prevent West Berliners from jumping the fence to go to the socialist paradise, in Cuba people have to leave not freely but rather use rafts to reach evil Miami and Korea divided into two areas by a parallel North Korea and South Korea, The evil South Korea with a capitalist system and the wonderful socialist paradise of Kim Jong-Un, we know who is trying to flee from which part of the country.


While we see that in all socialist regimes people try to flee and that those who stay there are shot in the back of the head, in the evil Western capitalist countries they kill themselves to go, people hide under a trailer, they risk their lives on a raft, they cross rivers, or on a boat to enter the Capitalist “hell”, but I don't see boats heading towards communist or socialist countries, what we have here is a wolf disguised in sheep's clothing.

The socialist regimes have evidently failed, we have seen that any citizen subjected to a socialist Republic has tried to flee, which has left the party or the movement robbed and as in a business or a premises in ruins there is always someone who comes ready to make the transfer. and take over the brand, are the globalist elites who put new faces to renew the labor movements, the trade union movements, the residual movements in these parties that call themselves left-wing, because what is prioritized are issues ideological clearly marked by globalist agendas.

What is globalism really looking for, what is the new world order looking for, what are the 2030 agendas looking for, ending society as we know it, they are looking for individuals, numbers, binaries, they are not looking for families, the enemy of an Orwellian society is individuality , the dream of the community, to transform a human into a number, which is what societies and globalist agendas intend, you have to strip them of their humanity.

And what are the basic aspects of humanity that the left tries to destroy, the basic aspects of humanity are family, identity and spirituality, if you take away a human's family, you take away their spirituality and you take away their identity, You are turning the dream of the globalist agenda into a number.

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One man's globalist is another man's internationalist.