The “mysterious” cases of hepatitis in children

in Informationwar3 years ago

The “mysterious” cases of hepatitis in children


The WHO, as we all know, has begun to warn the whole world about certain cases of hepatitis that have occurred in children in more than 12 countries, some of these cases have been fatal, many others require an immediate emergency transplant, while the They have been treated but have been able to come out better.

We are talking about more than 170 cases of little creatures around the world so far and counting day by day there are more, now many experts have begun to investigate in order to draw conclusions of susceptible causes and among some of the hypotheses It may be that both the confinements, and being totally covered isolated from the outside world, from contact with nature and other human beings, this has caused many creatures to lower their natural protection system, since they had become unaccustomed to being in contact with other human beings and with nature, being covered all the time isolated from that, therefore the immune system has lowered, this may be a factor although it has not been confirmed so far.

Now, the other possible cause of all this is the Chinese virus vaccine, which could have affected the body in some way, making it more vulnerable to these types of external agents, whatever the case, we hope that the investigation continues in depth and draw conclusions about this because someone or something must be responsible for what is happening because it is very unusual.


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Conflict of interests The authors declare no conflicts of interest that pertain to this work. Please refer to the accompanying ICMJE disclosure forms for further details.


They will always say: "No correlation"...

It is correct!