House Prices Down / Food Prices UP


We are definitely in a Kondratieff winter

  • Prices Fall
  • Consumer Confidence Drops
  • Banking Crisis
  • High Unemployment


However, this is not just a Kondratieff winter, this is the winter of all winters.

We will see a drop in population, and that means all of the ponzi schemes fail. (like Social inSecurity)
Everything that was based on growth, just falls apart.

Further, everyone's core values are changing (or, you might say, wokeism has gone too far, and people are saying enough is enough)

Even further, the world is changing. The terrain will change, the borders will change, governments will change.

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The Demographic Crisis

None of the developed nations are having enough children to maintain their population sizes.
Many are seriously in decline.

The baby boomers, the largest population in all the developed world is moving into retirement homes or graveyards.

We have welfare programs that are basically ponzi schemes.
Started when the baby boomers were young, they had 10 workers to support each retiree.
Now, figures are for each retiree there are 2 workers supporting them.
Soon, it will be less than one.

A person, a group, a community cannot support that.
So, Social inSecurity is going to go bust. Soon after all the social welfare programs will fallow.

It may be that this debt ceiling debacle may be being dragged out so that they can actually kill off SS.

Anyway, with the population shrinking, it is a bad time for realestate investment.
Even if Black rock/stone burned all the houses they owned, the supply of vacant house will climb and climb.

The suburban housing market is going away. You can't sell something for free.

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Harming Children is a Bridge Too Far

So, the MSmockingbirdM is pushing woke agenda further and further.
We must be accepting of this group, then that group... and now, we must be accepting of "minor attracted persons".

Many say they have pushed this agenda too fast. Maybe... but it also seems to be a bridge too far for most parents, no matter how much indoctrination.

The big thing is that those mother WEFers have gotten most people to stop believing in evil. But when they started going after the children openly, people started remembering that word.

And so, this is going to snowball. As people remember evil, and then start to recognize evil, and then stop supporting evil, then evil will find itself backed into a corner, or a castle tower with a bunch of angry people with torches and pitchforks.

Dizney is going to go down hard. When people start uncovering what they have been doing to children, ashes will be all that's left.

This is going to continue. Many will call this the new witch hunts. Other people will call it ripping out evil by its roots.

What will happen is that many corporations will find themselves boycotted into oblivion.
Budweiser was just a little taste, and not even hit that hard.

Consumer confidence will hit lows that corporations have never seen.
And this will bring in locally sourced, personally verified, goods.

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The World Is Changing

No, really.

In America, the Mississippi will probably divide this nation in half. Washing out most of the bridges.
Yellowstone will probably blow, changing that shipment corridor.

In China the Three Gorges Damn will probably burst, flooding out the center of China. Hong Kong will use the chaos to cement its independence.

Little wars will break out all over Europe. As Putin continues to pound NATO, soon all the corruption is going to start to be exposed. And this will lead to the breakup of NATO, and a lot of countries going to war with their neighbors.

Earthquakes will change the topography. Rising sea levels (or sinking land masses from more ice) will destroy most of the port structures. Everything will not be where it used to be.

These things will effect trade routes and everything relying on those.
Again, produced locally will be a huge thing.

Also, actual trade may start. Not just a large corporation controlling where things go through manipulation of countries, but actual trade from small business to small business through the internet on block chain. We may actually see price discovery! No more monopolies nor monopsonies.

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This means: House Prices Down / Food Prices Up

As opposed to the end of the 20th century, where houses prices were high and going higher, while food prices were driven lower by BigAg growing monocrops and high density meat factories, we are going to see housing cost a bunch of your friend's time (like barn raising) and food being a good proportion of your income... or your time.

With this we will all eat much more healthy. And we will stop stressing about keeping a job to afford a car to make the house payments. As long as you have a fully stocked pantry and root cellar, life will be pretty chill. No more rat race.

Our standard of living will probably go up and down simultaneously.
Mostly down in that we won't be going to the store and buying mass produced STUFF.
Mostly up in that what we have will be ours. Truly ours. (Sorry Satan Klaus, you fail)

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Never heard of a monopsony before. I always appreciate being edumacated.


The inflation of food, services, and goods and then the sudden deflation of building materials and housing price implosion in the cities where prices went parabolic to where locals can't afford to live in their own crime infested cities.

A lot of people are underestimating the birthrate implosion. Most the women aren't fertile and with 'hoeflation' causing these women to far over value their worth they couldn't be bothered to really have children or do any of that.

Papa and Mama pepper are graciously taking on the task of getting the birthrate numbers up but for the rest of us there are major issues at hand.

The Pepper family is doing great!

And the numbers i am seeing, from both ends, births and deaths are insane. Once in a 400 year event...

I am REALLY terrified of the infertility rate. This is a sleeping timebomb.
We won't know until it is too late.

And the new man-o-sphere talking point may be, do not get married until you know she is fertile.

100% ..... in my opinion I would likely focus on getting her pregnant and her having that first child before doing any sort of marriage ceremony. And I would have various crypto in secure locations she knows nothing about. So she never really knew how much money I have.... etc.

But yeah, most of these women are infertile.