We seem to have a belief that without govern-cement it will be anarchy. There will be people running around playing power games, trying to rise to the top of the pecking order. So, we need govern-cement to save us from tyrants. And then govern-cement becomes the biggest tyrants.
And truly, anarchy is only dangerous to the ruling class. Because, Anarchy means, no rulers.
Are we programmed to want a leader? Do we need daddy? Do we need mommy? after we have grown up.
Or, is what we want a tribe? And a tribe needs a leader.
With a tribe, everyone knows the leader, and everyone sees what the leader does, and the leader knows this. And the tribe can usually easily remove the leader if he is bad. This seems to work out ok.
But, when the leader of the tribe, becomes the leader of the city, becomes the leader of the country and then starts saying things like, "the king is chosen by god", and then, the next king is also by bloodline… well then, we just have a group that wants to stay in power.
And it is easy to see that the elite send their kids to school to practice being leaders, to learn to use the correct wording that makes them sound like a leader. And the peasants are sent to govern-cement school, where they learn to be good followers. Able to do things at the sound of the bell. To think like servants and act like servants, and talk like servants.
Do we need govern-cement, or are we programmed to believe we need govern-cement?
Govern-cements of today are truly evil.

Attracts Narcissistic Sociopaths
If you set up a pyramidal structure, where the guy at the top is the guy in charge, then narcissists will fill that position.
A narcissist is someone who doesn't have warm empathy. They see you, like you view your television. Getting rid of you because you don't work is just taking out the trash. You, the person, does not matter to them.
Both, the pyramid structure and the lack of testing for narcissism, are overlaid on top of us by ancient secret orders. If you look at tribal structures, there really isn't a pyramid structure. There is a loose structure of "the best person for the job".
But, if you look at our world govern-cements, and our armies, they are all set up so that there is one person in charge, and everyone is beneath someone. A recipe set up for one evil person to get a bunch of good people to do his bidding.
Isn't it interesting that there is no way of removing the people at the top? There should be a "NO" vote when voting for the president. The people should have an easy way to remove a president, a governor, a congress critter. We should have veto powers on all laws. But, we are kept at arms length to any real power. While those in power are protected by layers of bureaucracy.
This is just the structure a narcissist would want.
We need to destroy these structures, and make sure narcissists are never given power.

Bleeds you dry, in every way
What is the biggest tax we pay? That would be inflation.
Inflation, the hidden tax that robs you of your purchasing power every minute of every day. But, at least it actually goes to run the govern-cement, unlike all the other taxes we pay.
Every since T.H.E.Y. got the Federal Reserve in effect, and pushed fractional reserve lending, Americans have been bleeding money.
We have taxes on everything. So many taxes. Gas tax, cigarette tax, sales tax, property tax, income tax… It is being bled dry by a thousand mosquitoes.
If you are a good person and save your money, well, you are just throwing away your money. Even in a savings account, your money disappears. If you do the opposite and put everything on a credit card, you lose even faster.
And all of this was by design.

Say they are for you, when they are against you
Obomba's Affordable Healthcare Act has made health insurance many times more expensive, and you get less healthcare than you did before.
If the bill says peace, it means war.
If the bill says balanced budget, it means that there is so much excess spending, that no one will be able to read it.
It has to be this way, because if the sociopaths in charge actually said what they were doing, they would be hung for treason.
Schools do not teach
Doctors do not heal
Lawyers give anything but justice
The FDA sold out the American people to the corporations who are now feeding us poison.
If i didn't know better, i would say that my govern-cement is out to kill me.

Govern-cements are so evil that we should just get rid of them.
"Noooooo", everybody shouts. "If we do not have govern-cement we will be taken over by worser govern-cements! We need govern-cement to protect us from the tyrants."
I suggest we do two things.
- Become self sufficient as much as possible.
- Build alternatives to govern-cement services.
Do these, so that one day, you will wake up and find that govern-cement is no longer needed. And then it can be ignored out of existence.
Fighting against the govern-cement is what they want. It is what they are prepared for. If you fight them, they are still relevant. Make them irrelevant.
Psychopaths without power are really pitiful people. Without power they are just like a 5 y.o. throwing a tantrum. We must let the world see these "elite" for what they really are.
The more people that wake up to how evil govern-cements are, the faster govern-cements will fall apart, and leave our lives. And that will be a great day.

The unnecessary complexity that's ridden with these laws is just so appalling. Even the terms & conditions we have to accept before using many of these online services is another way these elites reinforce their control over us. I think practicing suggestion no. 1 will be a real wake up call for many, as we'll realize we don't need governments to the extend that we've been made to believe.
Organized groups of people complete tasks much more efficiently with leaders, but should those 'leaders' be 'rulers' with power over who eats and who sleeps under the bridge?
Probably not, imo.
No one rules where none obey.™