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RE: "The Curve of Vaccination is Followed By The Curve of Deaths" - Nobel Prize Winning Virologist - Luc Montagnier

It is so painful to watch this, as in, the people i listen to were reporting that this was gonna happen back before the vaxxx was on the market.

They said what was going to happen.
And happen it did, just as they foretold.

But are they praised? No, they are banned from ThemTube and Twatter.

I know more people who have suffered greatly from the vaxxx, than i know of people who actually had a hard time with the Wuhan-flu.


Did the others you told in person take heed to the information or label you with some meaningless label?

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Most were polite... but when talking to them later, it was like i said nothing.
News reporter 10, me 0

Me too. ☹️

Yep. We've been seeing this pattern for years now.