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RE: What Happens If Trump Is Found To Have Won the 2020 Election?

T.H.E.Y... people like Hitlery Clintonian OWN The US.

The US is a corporation.

You don't see Billy Gatez being arrested by the Microsloth security do you?
So, putting them on trial would be a kangaroo court, a military tribunal, or some group of people who might be considered vigilantes.

Until their is a real group that wants real voting reform, i would suggest, keeping your current approach.
When you see Dems or Reps talking about voter reform, it is never to make things fair and balanced.

The best approach is to become ungovernable.
Set up trade with your neighbors, your community. Stop using The US dollar. Just get out of their system.
Enough people do this, their system just collapses on its own.