Yes, i know about all these things, and also know about Nuclear Engineering.
They are not as safe as the media says they are. We don't even understand how metals degrade around them. We only have a sorta idea. But, literally, at any time, the containment vessel can just disintegrate.
And this isn't even talking about the psychic energy destruction.
There are many energy sources that are much better, safer, easier and they are almost banned from people experimenting with them.
Wave energy (all we need is a big paddle wheel, but "people" complain about the eye sore)
Geothermal Energy (but all the good sites are regulated, you can't do experiments yourself)
Real Solar (research paid for in the 70s, and then buried.)
Magnet motors. (people still think they don't exist, because there is not such thing as a perpetual motion device)