Gravity is so important to modern materialistic physics that at every turn, they have bolstered up the theory with more and more complexity, going now to the far reaches of insanity.
Of course, what i am to present here is a conspiracy theory.
This is because nothing else can explain, that at EVERY point along this line, the scientists chose to double down, and create an even more improbable theory that kept gravity at the center of it.
Now, we must first be very deliberate with our language.
In this blog, we are talking about gravity, the force created by mass that holds the galaxy together and caused things like stars and planets to condense together after the big bang.
We are not talking about the force that hold people down to the earth.
(we don't even know what it is, or why it fluctuates from spot to spot, it also changes with weather and rain)

The history of "gravity" is interesting. With a lot of shady characters, and every time, "science" choosing the option that seemed prepared for it, to lead it astray.
- Newton - invented the theory of gravity
- Cavendish - measured gravity
- Einstein - worked out a convoluted mathematical theory to try to explain the holes in gravity
- Hawking - worked out an even more convoluted mathematical theory to explain even more holes.
It is interesting how each of these people had the path paved for their theories to enter the mainstream of science. Also, each of these people are very interesting. Not for the IQ, but because their circumstances make for easy conspiracy theories.
Newton got to be head of the Royal Society, and so, his theories ruled. Those who conflicted with him where thrown out. And there were a lot of such incidences. (all swept under the rug)

Cavendish Experiment
Einstein, if you look into his life, plagiarized everything he supposedly did. Didn't come up with anything on his own. But, he was held up as the greatest mind (to hide Wernher von Braun). The theory he proposed was railroaded through the sciences. Although there was much controvery over its validity at that time, no one talks about that much when teaching science.
Stephan Hawking whose greatest achievement was to live decades with a disease that killed most... all other people within three years. Hawking has made many theories... many of which can never be proven because if true, they would hide the truth from ever being known. (circular logic that collapses on itself)

Although there are better theories that are much better at explaining the phenomena we see, modern materialistic science demands that everyone adhere to the idea that gravity is the thing that holds the universe together.
The is probably because there is a group that insists that God doesn't exist, that the universe started with a big bang, that it was all luck that we exist now. And they defend this with a religious fervor. If we take this view, almost everything done falls into place, a puzzle picture appears... but now, you have a big, very long running, conspiracy theory on our hands.
The overarching premise that science must be atheistic is quite easy to see in what gets taught in science these days. With scientist, anthropologists and astronomers all bending over backwards to come up with theories that say, it was all chance. They are hell bent from removing God from the equation.
Not all scientists are atheists, in fact, most of them are not, but all the theories that are taught today have been thoroughly scrubbed.
So, today we are looking for "dark matter" (matter that cannot be seen) and "dark energy" (energy that cannot be measured) but must exist for the theory of gravity to stay in existence. So much effort is spent looking for signs that these are actual in existence.
While other theories, like the electric universe model, which explain ALL the things more simply and clearly are discourage, disparaged and disapproved. People who study them are pushed out of the universities, out of the peer-reviewed circles.

Just to show an example of one of the things that puts a fork in the gravity is because of mass theory, is what mad-scientists are calling "lifters"
This flying craft is just a specifically designed capacitor charged up to high voltage.
How does such a thing defy gravity if gravity is based on mass?
And already "scientists" are racking their brains to come up with theories for why this doesn't break the "Theory of Gravity" (gravity is a result of mass)

I think you are making it more complicated that it is. It's pretty clear that gravity and mass are closely related. That doesn't mean there are not other things that affect gravity or things in the universe that are not fully understood. In my observation, most scientists aren't trying to conspire to hide the truth, they are just trying to figure out how things work. Don't confuse that with how politicians sometimes portray the science (not that I've seen a lot of that in terms of gravity). Figuring out the mechanics of how the Universe works in itself doesn't really say anything about the existence of God. Pretending we can understand absolutely everything there is to know about the universe is the height of hubris. However, that doesn't mean we can't always learn more. It's just that there is always more to learn.
If we didn't have a pretty good approximation of how gravity works, we wouldn't be able to orbit satellites. The calculations that are used for that are based on mass. Unless you think the existence of satellites is a conspiracy.
Also, things "defy" gravity by using some kind of counteracting force (e.g. airplanes use the pressure difference created by the shape of the wing to create lift). "Lifters" do the same thing (that is use a force to counteract gravity, not use lift the same way an airplane does):,explanation%20of%20how%20it%20works.
I appreciate your well stated points.