Why Would They Lie?


The type of person who is attracted to secret societies, is also the type that wants to get knowledge, and horde it all to themselves. Keeping it secret from the public.

The narcissists, who think they run the world, spend a lot of time and effort making sure everyone else, their enemies, do not know anything true.


All they see is power over others. They believe that since they know about real science, and everyone else knows a fake science, that they have more power. They do not even consider that everyone could have more power if real science were to be advanced.

They would prefer to be a medieval king ruling over the peasants then to live an ordinary modern life with things like air conditioning and more clothes than a king of old would ever have.

Power over others is EVERYTHING to them. And so, they have made EVERY text book a lie. (yes, you don't even know English) Especially science.

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Science is completely false

The Big Bang was a joke.
No, really. No one agreed with the idea. Until Rock-e-person paid people to agree with it, and then paid people to publish it in science books.

(In the future, i believe the near future, we will witness a galaxy forming. This will put paid to disproving the big bang)

100 scientists got together and wrote a book about how the Theory of Relativity was idiotic and false. Do you ever hear about this from the modern science text book?

No, what you read in these text books is how various anomalies prove the theory. There are no proofs, just inferences. Like, Relativity explains the orbit of Mercury better (than Newton) therefore it must be correct. So, when a modern lady astronomer comes up with a theory that almost exactly explains the orbit of Mercury, then we should throw out Relativity?

Well, we didn't.

Even showing that the speed of light can be broken, the premise of the Theory of Relativity, Relativity is still taught.

The Laws of Thermodynamics, which only hold mostly true, are considered unassailable laws.

The books say that the Laws of Thermodynamics have been proven and always hold up in the lab, but they don't.

People who try to compute and know where every erg of energy came from and went, never balance their sheets. It is always a search for where some energy came from, or where some energy left to.

They say, that because of these laws, the universe is winding down. Entropy is upon us. However, if we look at our world, new order is showing up daily. It isn't just becoming more chaotic. We can even make a case for human existence disproving the Laws of Thermodynamics.

And so i can continue with every major theory and law in the Modern Materialistic Science text book.
The entire thing is a lie. And it is a lie on purpose.

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What you don't know

We live in a world with man made flying saucers.
We are digging up ancient technologies in Antarctica.
We are burying things found in archaeological digs, that are inconvenient to our "timeline"

Area 52 (wink) is a known secret experimental site.

We have seen many things that have come out of that area. All of them were hidden until they couldn't be hidden anymore.

The SR-71 was flying spy missions for a decade before the public was let know about it.
The same for the stealth aircraft.

But you are a conspiracy theorist if you do believe that there is more, still secret, things at Area 52.

A science-book destroying technology was shown to everyone on September 11, 2001.

Two, very large, metal towers were turned to dust.
Not blown up, not cut up with thermite (although those things appeared to have happened as a precursor) but where dustified. The metal beams from the twin towers that existed after they fell down is pitifully small. The rubble pile should have been MUCH bigger. Where did all that steel go?

Well, if you watch the videos, you can watch these steel supports turn to dust.

Someone knows enough about this technology to use it, twice, in an "in front of the cameras" way. The public knows next to nothing about it. So little do we know that only a handful of people noticed, and commented on it. Metal beams do not just turn to dust.

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disinformation is continuous

There are magnet motors. They spin by the power of magnetism. (Laws of Thermodynamics eat your heart out)

But, what do we hear and see on ThemTube? Bicycle wheels with bottles of water zip tied to them. (which eventually stop) And lots of "Experts" saying that free-energy devices don't work. And lots of people in the comments calling everything a fraud.

Someone is paying for that disinformation.

Why do these bicycle wheels show up in people's feeds? Lifters don't. Magnet motors don't. Water hammers don't. All the things that are over-unity don't.

We don't even see bioreactors videos in our feeds.

And, if ever such kind of video does go viral, the "Experts" are rolled out quickly to dis-explain it away.

The scientists on the TV are actors. We know they are actors. But still, most people believe them, and reinforce the text-book science that was indoctrinated into them.

If ever the Rots-child money dries up, we will see just how much indoctrination we were shown. Without that money controlling what we are allowed to see, and pushing what they think is important, we will start to see what is actually, organically going viral.

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Fortunately, the truth is the truth.
And if we seek for the truth, we will find it.

It is just so very sad that we have a group that wants to make sure we never know the truth. And their machinations keep future scientists from working towards a better world.

The next generation, or maybe the next, next generation of scientists will finally start working on the truth.

And, in hindsight, we will see just how much we were lead astray. Unfortunately, right now, most people do not want to look at how wrong they could be. How much they have been scammed. How much of our lives were false.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


A good choice of examples, which the smallest of research can prove your point(s).

I try to choose easily identified experiments. However, i still get serious push back from time to time. I see a long uphill slog to get back to the truth.

Thanks for reading.

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