Covid-19 cases still escalating Not withstanding its Remedy(antidote)

Looks like it has subsided on some persons ear because they have overheard its antidote(remedy)it's under saturation around the globe, but that's a different case as the the number continue rising day after day,does it mean that the so called antidote(remedy) isn't working? Or not being applied at the right proportion?. Greetings family,coming to us today is covid-19 updates.

China reported thousands of new local Covid-19 cases Sunday as the Omicron variant drove the worst outbreak in the country since Wuhan in early 2020, according to the National Health Commission (NHC).Health officials said 2,125 cases were reported across 58 cities in 19 of 31 mainland provinces, marking the fourth consecutive day China reported more than 1,000 daily local cases. More than 10,000 cases have been reported since the latest outbreak began in early March, the NHC said.source
The omicron variant taking preeminence not only in China as the number of cases still counting. Recently was it heard about a key player to a football club contacted covid-19 and was forced to be dropped from the squad. Not only in football is it being heard rather quite number of cases across the globe. Now is the question being posed Does it mean the antidote isn't being properly used or a different variant of covid-19 is in place without our notice?
Throughout the pandemic, China has adhered to a strict zero-Covid policy that aims to stamp out all outbreaks and chains of transmission using a combination of border controls, mass testing, quarantine procedures and lockdowns. Nearly half of the total infections in the latest outbreak have been reported in northeastern Jilin province, with 4,605 cases since March 1, when the first clusters of cases in Jilin's border city Yanbian were identified, according to the provincial government.The bulk of cases on Sunday, 1,026, were also reported in Jilin province, according to the NHC. Jilin province's city of Jilin has locked down 504 neighborhoods and launched eight rounds of mass testing, the municipal government said.source

Various Escalating Factors To Covid-19
- Carefree attitudes of health workers; This is carefree attitude is carried out by both the people to be protected and those protecting them. This is so because those incharge of relaying information, doing the necessary checkups to confirm the signs presented by the health issue and so on. Due to this effect, there will be widespread of covid,notwithstanding its remedy bring on ground.

- Disobedience to set rules;
Following the onset of Covid-19, set down measures where put in place to minimize its spread such as keeping a distance up to 10-15miters away from each other during conversation, covering of the face using facemasks, washing of hands with soap and running water. Negligence to these rules will increase the spread of covid-19.
Also government should play a role in these insomuch as some health workers aren't ready to do their daily routine of health check work,therefore they should be sanctioned and disciplined.