Emergency Use Authorization granted for injecting Pfizer's Covid "Vaccine" into 5-11 year olds

in Informationwar3 years ago

It's NOT approved. Only authorized for use in emergencies. The goofs at Pfizer say it's 90% safe and effective. Is that supposed to sound good, after the disaster that is the adult injections, which were promised to be 95% safe and effective? No wonder polls are showing three quarters of parents are against injecting their children with it. But as of today, government insiders have legalized child sacrifice by allowing dangerous medical and genetic experimentation on defenseless little kids.

For use in emergencies

Where's the emergency for 5 to 11 year old children? After 2 years of Covid supposedly ravaging our world, virtually zero healthy children have died from it! They rarely have any symptoms, either during or after an infection. They are literally at lower risk from Covid than they are from the latest flu virus going around. Those who have been infected are now immune, for up to 5 years or longer! Giving them injections that deplete their immune system within 6 months is pointless at best.

Some might argue "but overall, the rest of us ARE in an emergency, so this is justified".

Covid is over. The vulnerable have been vaccinated, the rest of us have natural immunity, and further waves are expected to be minor. Besides, how will injecting children help? Does it prevent them from getting infected? No. Does it prevent them from passing it to others? No. Injecting children just exposes them to potentially-deadly side effects, as well as untold long-term effects we have no clue about yet.

It's like playing Russian Roulette with a few full chambers. We are acting suicidal by attacking the next generation of humans. Has nobody heard of thalidomide? How about all the vaccines that killed people and didn't stop the virus as promised, like the flu vaccine in 1976?

The adult version has already officially killed tens of thousands of Americans. Experiments used to be halted after 25 deaths, maximum. But we're approaching 100 times that number now by the most official count possible, which could be low by another factor of 100. Bottom line is, this is already thousands of times worse than any previous mass medical experiment.

And they want to include elementary schoolkids in that? HANDS OFF THE CHILDREN!

What's even worse is these kiddie shots are going to contain a completely different formula, which was tested even less than the original, and rolled out far quicker!

Children can't consent to medical procedures. It is literally impossible because they are incapable of fully understanding the potential risks, potential benefits, and potential alternatives. Therefore, it is up to their parent/guardian to properly assess those potential risks, benefits, and available options. Sadly, most adults don't even have a good grasp on these things, thanks to heavy ongoing propaganda and censorship. Nevertheless, responsibility for underaged children falls on their parents. Not on the state, not on the pharmaceutical giants, and not on the children themselves.

Parents, your child's life is in your hands, and they're counting on you making the right decisions for them.

Thankfully - and I'm shocked CNN actually reported on this - polls are finding that most parents are NOT going to vaccinate their young children! About 25% are in favour of doing so, a number that has remained constant for about a year. The rest appear to be either completely against it, or willing to consider it only if long-term data support doing so. Of course, the state has plans to mandate "vaccination" for children in public schools, further alienating unvaccinated families from society. Home-schooling and private tutoring are making a big comeback right now.

Noam Chomsky, the fake anarchist CIA shill pseudo-intellectual statist zombie, just announced vaccinated people should reject unvaccinated people and allow them to starve. Reminder: Calling for the starvation of a segment of society is just one step away from advocating for their murder.

"Hunger for those without the shots... but TREATS for anyone with a valid health passport!"

Since it isn't possible to use beer and cash to lure children into taking the vaccine, will the state focus on candy as bait to get their needle into little kids? Cute puppies, maybe? Hey, I know! They could set up a special van for mobile kiddie poking. Drive around neighborhoods, playing the icecream song on loudspeakers, promising lollipops and pony rides to anyone under 12 who gets in the van? Expand the mature minor doctrine down a few more years?

A line is drawn

I mean, seriously, this has gotten far beyond sick and disgusting. These perverts need to be dealt with.

As a parent of 3.5 beautiful children in this world, I feel a certain sense of responsibility for what is going on here. I am not okay with any of this. It's not necessary, it's incredibly risky, and it doesn't work. Fuck off with your so-called vaccines, your threats, your insults, your lies, your violence. The state has lost all legitimacy, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982) has been grievously infringed, and they shall not cross our line in the sand by laying a hand on our children. We the people of Canada and other free humans of Earth do not consent to your mandatory injections or your other tyranny.

My family decided long ago, and we have not wavered. Nobody in this house will be injected. They can act even more ridiculously and obviously and desperately if they want but it won't change that decision.

The emperor has no clothes! Everybody sees it, and more and more of us are admitting it.



If we get 1 prosecutor in any US state to file felony charges on Fauci, the EUA vanishes and jabs stop. And here is the Fauci Dossier we must send out en mass. https://www.davidmartin.world/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The_Fauci_COVID-19_Dossier.pdf


(comment from amazon below)
After reading Dr. David E. Martin's Covid 19 Fauci Dossier, we were compelled to share it with the world in every format possible, the evidence documenting fraud for financial gain at the peril of the American people is overwhelming. Everyone should read this book before ever taking another preventive medicine treatment again. https://www.amazon.com/Covid-19-Anthony-Fauci-Dossier/dp/B08YNLXZDD


Hahaha, nasty!
That's a parody of Far Side, I guess?

That is the Far Side. Funny, and prophetic.

Yes, I saw this one and laughed...until I cried😭 So sad but true. Love my Larson😅

I've seen scientists and doctors who've read and interpretated these trials. The 95% was completely erronious. They filtered out a shitload of people of the original 45,000 people. If I remember correctly, they only gave the shot to 35 people and like 7 died (and 7 died of the placebo which was the meningitis vaxx)😬 Then they screwed with the interpretation in order to reach the original 95%.
This gene therapy is for nobody though I would be happy to see these élite bastards really take it. There never was any emergency. They did a switcheroo with influenza and added graphene oxide to the 2019 flu shot as well as the masks and swabs which is what gave the original symptoms. Stay strong! #donttouchthekids , #netouchezpasauxenfants, #notoquealosniños

Stand firm! I have been burdened with getting all the combo of supplements for people with vaccine injuries. One of my regular local driver is now suffering from blocked blood vessel in his brain; he could no longer earn a living by driving local ‘taxi’. I caught a glimpse of him across the street this morning. He looked very skinny and his eyes were very sad. I will have to find some time to get him some medicine! I am looking after five people in the countryside; and several jabbed ladies in Bangkok! And I thought I would have a slow life! LoL


Authorized just like that!

Authorized, not approved....... fuckers love to use similar-sounding words with slightly different meanings.

No kidding, @greatesteem. Even approved in that amount of time would be a stretch but to just call it authorized...is beyond goofy






@medikatie, you've been given LUV from @greatesteem.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)

Wonder which one of the five the gnome is...

  1. blackmailed
  2. bribed
  3. indebted
  4. coerced
  5. initiated

Our best bet is 2 or 5....he's been a deliberate schill since at least 9/11, so it gives you a good idea to whom he belongs. He doesn't give off the "I'm just lying to save my family" vibe, he gives off the vibe of "I'm deliberately an intellectually-dishonest NWO pundit who'll crank out a some nice-sounding hate speech to get a little more of whatever is still keeping me alive". May he croak soon, he sounds like a dying frog anyway..

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Free heart failure inducing food in exchange for a ‘health jab’

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment





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