
Stephen Crowder is suing to stay on there. says "please visit our youtube channel"....made me nauseous. at least the latter also lists lbry and Crowder has TheBlaze, though that is about 12 hours behind YouTube in releases.

Maybe advertisers need to be courted to freedom respecting sites. DuckDuckGo should have a DuckDuckHive section to prioritize platforms where balanced discussion is not banned.

Again, sites should say "please visit our Hive channel or 3Speak/Lbry channel." YouTube should be used exclusevly for reaching people who are unaware that they are missing critical information.

That's about where I'm at now, too. To some degree, I've been doing and advocating that for years now. Yet I'm constantly reminded how I've got maybe 5% the audience here (anywhere away from YT). I think it's the right thing to do (for myself and everyone else) to try to starve that beast. The slow progress is frustrating.