While I celebrate the fact that a majority of people are tuning out to mainstream legacy media, I do not like the fact that many of those people are filling the void with content providers that are probably worse than the MSM. Conservative Brief has emerged as one of the top sources for conservatives to get their news but yet, almost all of what they post is speculative crap that is designed to get conservative all worked out about non-issues and to get them to keep the hatred fire burning towards liberals.
They occasionally throw a bon to a liberal here and there but this is ONLY if said liberal does something that falls exactly in line with what a conservative would do. Take Fetterman meeting with Trump recently in Florida. All of a sudden this guy that they attacked relentlessly for a year or so is a good politician because he is doing what they think he should do. Does Fetterman deserve recognition for doing this? Well, maybe. This doesn't change the fact that Conservative Brief basically called Fetterman a brain-dead moron for months.
I think that anyone that looks at Conservative Brief as anything other than a propaganda outlet really doesn't have much chance of being capable of independent thought and honestly, I believe that is what CB is planning on.
What annoys me the most about their reporting isn't necessarily that it is all op-ed pieces disguised as actual news, but the fact that they apparently don't even proofread anything before they publish it.
Take this recent article for example.

The article is just as terrible as anything CB relases and that is expected of them. But I just have a disdain for obviously bad headlines. Sure, you can figure out what is being said here but what does "facing ripped" mean? Any guesses? I'll give you a hint... it doesn't mean anything.
Someone there was trying to make a decision between "facing backlash" and "getting ripped" and in the end couldn't make up their mind, then forgot to go back and make a choice.
The content of the article is just the usual horse-hockey from CB in that they take a few comments from people on Twitter and then post them along with Tarlov's on-air comments and then draw the conclusion that a few negative comments on Twitter somehow qualifies as widespread backlash. It's f**king Twitter. You could post a video of ducks sleeping in a bed with kittens and there would be toxic comments.
It's amazing to me that it has been up for a day now and tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people have noticed the error and yet they don't even bother to change it.
I was an editor of the college newspaper for a semester when I was attending university. Allowing something like this to go to press without catching it would have resulted in a warning the first time it happened and if it happened often, I would have been demoted, dismissed, or fired. Conservative Brief makes a faux pas like this every other day.
If your source for news can't even get the headlines to be coherent, how much effort do you think they are actually putting into being factual? If you look at CB for anything other than to laugh at them, seriously... find another source.

MSM is losing it's credibility faster than expected and they contributed much to their downfall. "We are the media" is exponentially rising on the otherhand as a result of this. Hopefully power will return to the people !BBH
I would say that the power has already returned to the people but let's just hope they don't abuse it. I already suspect that many influencers end up getting compromised by big money and lead down the same path of deception of the people.
I am hoping for the best always !BBH
There is nothing balanced and it is either for one side or against the other. I was watching a clip of Alex Jones for the first time the other day and his voice is irritating which makes it un watchable and he just comes across as a proper knob. If there is going to be alternative media then make it credible and professional.
Alex Jones is out there, that's for sure but I sometimes find him amusing in his wild theories about things.