I like to take breaks from being super serious about the political and covid (which is also politics, whether you want to admit it or not) landscape of the world and just have a look at some funny stuff from time to time. One of my greatest joys is bad newspaper articles and headlines that should have never made it to print but did.
Perhaps I enjoy them more than most people because one of my earliest jobs was an unpaid position as the editor of my university's newspaper that had a weekly circulation of around 40,000 units. This certainly isn't the big time but I feel as though I did a really good job and I only made a few very minor mistakes over the course of my time at the top. I could not find a job in this field despite graduation near top of my class and having experience. I suppose this is a good thing because the internet kinda blew up after I got out of college and most of those editors were probably laid off anyway.
So things worked out for me like they were meant to I guess. In the meantime here are some articles that were published in papers where the staff are presumably paid and really should have caught these errors / funnies before they printed them.

Wait a second! Who were those people that I saw in the white coats before this happened? They were very convincing in their medical chatter and poking me with gosmers and taking my blood pressure. This article could actually be about a lot of things although the subtext confuses me even more. I think perhaps the wrong word was used and "doctors" should have actually been either "nurses", "EMT's", or perhaps "PhD's"
It's tough to tell, but either way, there are an infinite amount of ways in which this headline could be better and it would have gotten me in trouble if I had sent it to press.

This could simply be the case of a newspaper in a non-native-English speaking country picking up an AP article and copying the text while creating their own headline. I don't know because I am not aware what publication this is from. They clearly mean "Miss Universe" as is stated in the picture but it is funny regardless. I hope it was meant ironically and this is just a sports writer who was forced to put this in their category and begrudgingly complied... kind of.

Well that is just funny and goes to show that there is really a rally for just about anything isn't there? It's like a pro-anarchy rally that turns into a riot.... You should have seen that coming.

Now unless you have no sense of humor you realize that they are talking about cow urine being used on a lemon tree's roots while the lemons are growing which would make sense just like manure is good for basically all plant life but it's just the imagery of cow urine and lemon juice being arguably the same color that is so wrong here. For my paper that I was the editor of, I would be asking the author of this "why are you even writing about this for a college newspaper?" If this took place somewhere rural I suppose someone would be interested in this but it begs the question "how are you going to gather cow urine anyway?"

When I see headlines like this I can't help but think that the author, the editor, the owner of the newspaper, and even the community it is distributed in must have a fantastic sense of humor... Or at least that is the hope. It is much more likely that this small blurb probably didn't even catch the eye of an over-worked editor at a daily paper in a small community or he or she simply didn't care.
It is pretty funny though.
I am kind of disappointed that we are, for the most part, done with newspapers in a general sense. These days funny and even egregious headlines do still make it to "print" but then once they are caught unless someone is really quick and screen-captures it the owners of the article simply correct it and for the most part don't even bother with retractions / apologies unless it was something major. It was a lot more fun when once the print happened, there was already thousands of pieces of evidence throughout the community that couldn't possible be recalled.
I used to keep a collection of all sorts of visual / photoshop errors. They're along the same line.
Actually I think I have them in an old blog. Does anyone know if Hive has an issue with me reposting old items from an unused blog? Do I simply attribute it to me?
I don't think anyone would have a problem with that provided that they aren't reposts from this platform and the original blog is your own. I am certainly not an official on this though. You should give it a go, I'd like to see it for sure.
Manually curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Delegate to the @informationwar! project and get rewarded
i just delegated a bit of HP to ya. I am not able to participate actively in the community as much as I would like. Perhaps the HP will be better used in your hands.