As a scientist, I can tell you that the work consists of creating models, basically mathematical, that describe "what is observed" within certain parameters and very particular conditions.
And we constantly question our own models in the hope of finding a model that explains even more of what we observe.
Question everything. There is no CONSENSUS in the scientific method. Usually a discovery happens with a single person.
There can be no PEER REVIEW if you are on the cutting edge of science because you'll have no peers in what you study.
We simply use the model that best explains the most observations until we find another one.
We use Newtonian Physics for example because it is easy to understand and does work for most things ON EARTH. It falls apart in space and such with things like the three body problem.
Einstein provided a model that handles the three body problem nicely. Yet there were still things about his own models that he knew were flawed.
ALso one thing I said about Experts and Scientists in other posts. If you are following the scientific method. You are a scientist. If you are not following the scientific method then you are not a scientist.
You can flip that off/on with your choices.
Same is true of experts. If a person is an expert that does not mean they may not instead let their own biases override the expertise from time to time.
Question everything. At some point you simply have to go with what is most probable for your own needs.
Great reply... thanks.
Questioning everything is the best advice I have ever received. The path to becoming an expert always involves understanding what others think and have done, to the point that one ends up being contaminated with those ideas and ways of conceiving the world. It is not easy to have that clarity of mind to remember that everything must be questioned.