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RE: FRANK BACON CAST InRealLife /\ MinDing My OWN Business - Business OWNs My Mining

Ok, using that word in todays society can trigger people I understand your point which is valid. Using a pejorative to prove a point is tacky. @frankbacon you are not doing yourself any favors when using a pejorative to prove a point. Acid has a very valid point and using words like that opened up unnecessary dialogue and did not help prove a point whatsoever.

What cha feel about this acid?

Screenshot (469).png

or the comments section here...

I have experienced some interesting things from community members and the above link about GoF research demonstrates that. It just doesnt show how tagging hivewatchers made everything worse with those comments being reported to both the fbi and hivewatchers. I get police presence around my house with helicopters in all for 3+ days, Guilty in my dms all of a sudden like a genie saying not to upvote comments and that hivewatchers dont get involved with threats of violence that draws the attention of the authorities to Hive but rather more concerned about me upvoting comments on irrelevant posts and that the council disliked comment upvoting? Mean while I am left thinking Racism directed towards white people is ok as well as threats of violence against them on Hive.


Thanks for that other link, will take care of the rewards.

The rewards I think are too late. I personally am concerned about the witness support on it especially with a company tag that chose to come to Hive. I appreciate your time a lot. It is so much more than what most large stake holders do in regards to defending a position.

I was dealing with a lot of personal issues in the months leading to and after the steem fork, so I missed a lot of key events. I understand you were attacked viscously by a korean whale shortly after and no one really had your back or something? That would F me up if it happened to me and no had my back after spending years and years running curation groups and providing massive support to people like you have done for many years.

It's not that no one had my back, they just decided to use like 50m sp to downvote with since everything was so concentrated on a few accounts as they liked to just proxy everything, which in hindsight meant they missed out on a ton of Hive cause they were voting for Suns sockpuppet witnesses attempting to leverage a deal between real witnesses and him. I didn't care too much about the downvotes, what was annoying was that they also went after ocd curators' rewards who put in a lot of time and effort into their work which they still do. Thankfully we're a lot better off now and people don't go as crazy in retaliation as they did back then but at the same time we still got a long way to go to normalize downvotes for disagreement of rewards and authors to also attempt to not try and maximize everything always and think with a more community-wide mindset.

I like that a lot. You make a lot of sense. Thank you for your valuable time and efforts on Steem and Hive over years. You the man!

Yep, noticed @ganjafarmer quickly insinuate violence the other day when a random newcomer noticed he was running a ton of alt accounts. It's one thing to lose it once or twice in the heat of the moment when you feel things are unfair, but constantly attempting to maximize your roi and when caught instantly going for "if we ever meet I'm going to do this and that" I think we should have zero tolerance for it. That's one of the few things that should be downvoted to 0, not disagreement of rewards.

What I said was I can't wait to speak to you in person.

Which makes you a liar @acidyo.

If you want to speak of people.... Don't forget I want to have a in person conversation with you as well.

Insinuating violence is different than actual telling someone that you are going to make then eat their teeth. Or that you are going to hyperextend their joints to a point that requires surgery. Or take a edged weapon and start removing limbs.

However it's never smart to harass the individual who has been through horrific violence and survived.

Acidyo. You are a pretty Petty and ignorant person. Let alone one that makes up his own Reality.

Personally acidyo. You are a liar and ignorant. And one day I have a feeling you and I will have a conversation about this.

Oh the crime of having more than a single account...

By the way all these accounts are known as mine. Nothing was hidden.

OCD and acidyo are toxic.

Thanks for the screenshot...

I have been trying and succeeding for years with meeting people in person... This FLAGGOT you are addressing took it as a MEAN comment or something... which is harmless... in court.


Well there IS HARM that can bee SPELLed Out I'm afraid.

Screen Shot 2021-10-14 at 5.30.55 PM.png

I disagree...
I would Meet either of you gents.
Especially YOU!