The problem is they think those of us paying attention should have to suffer right along with them.
Yes, I can confirm that and also, what you said in your last sentence, when it comes to ordinary people (the push I see clearly from the pharmaceutical industries).
My brother, who just barely survived a heart attack is now on sick leave for the next weeks. Since the employer stopped paying wages and the health insurance company steps in, a discussion with the employee from the insurance was due. She told my brother that he now had to go to a rehabilitation clinic. He said: "No, I don't want to be locked up there for three weeks in this Corona time", whereupon she barked at him personally and told him that "because of people like him we would still have the pandemic".
Then she lied and said that he had to send her all the documents so that she could calculate the sickness payment. These were so-called "counselling offers for medical help and suggestions", to which one could "voluntarily" hand in one's medical data as well as give permission to the doctors to give the patients data to the insurance company. These are in no way necessary to settle the finances. The woman was an extremist and tried to use her bureaucratic power.
I've almost died myself from nurses that didn't listen to me and had made assumptions about me.
That must have been a scary experience. How did you come out of it?
It angers me that the words and expressions of a patient is so often ignored, as if he or she has not the most things to say about his/her condition (if asked and treated properly and respectfully).