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RE: Fear... do you see it? Fear... do you feel it? Fear... do you hear it? Fear... do you smell it? Fear... do you taste it?

in Informationwar4 years ago

I refuse to be locked down EVER AGAIN! If they try, I will make them shoot me before I comply with their lies and tyranny and counterfeit "science" to serve their political ends. As someone who spent 3 years getting an engineering degree (and studying actual science and math and cost-benefit analysis and risk analysis) I will not help stupid and/or evil politicians and "journalists" perpetuate their lies. The emperor has no clothes, and hasn't for a long, long time. To paraphrase the late Senator Lloyd Bentsen, "I knew science, and you, sirs, are no science!" !BEER

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Bravo and I agree completely. I was a dual major when I first went to college in the early 90s. Physics and Music. The music was primarily so I could take Music Theory classes and such that I wanted to take without them giving me grief. They didn't have Computer Science yet or that is what I would have been.

Music is just applied physics. When I worked for an actuarial firm, lots of us were also musical--my boss listened to Mahler on his Walkman while checking our numbers. Computer Science was a major when I was in college (1981-84) but computer engineering was just a couple of guys in a corner of the electrical engineering building who were inventing the discipline--now it is its own department.

Yes, I went to College starting in 1989. Computer Science was a major and they told me they would have that major as soon as I attended. They did not. I even took steps to try to help them make one. Eventually I moved on. That college has had a Computer Science degree for some time now.