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RE: LePen crushes Macron

The current left are well to the right of the centre from 50 years ago.

Do you mean the progressive left? I heard the opposite: the center is much more left and that the left from 50 years ago would be considered far right by today's standards.

Is this to do with left and right being different in France than in the US?


Hi thanks for reading. I've given some thought to your comment. I speak from my experience as a European and of a certain age. The big difference is that the US does not have a party of labour with all the history that implies. What you have in the States is a two party system of big business. Differences between left and right are illusions. Keeping people locked in the centre supporting the status quo with a false dichotomy of right and left. The radical or as you say progressive left was at a high world wide during the sixties and seventies with the anti-Vietnam movement, civil rights campaigns, feminism and gay rights. These all left their cultural mark on society. On this cultural issue I see how society can be seen to have moved left. Today we have the adoption of identity politics as left wing cover. What does it mean to be far left? What does it mean to be far right?

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