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RE: Joseph Keating (7.3.1995-12.11.2021), an officially recorded COVID vaccine victim

When they talk about this Covid-19 vaccine and the number of shots one needs to take, it just makes me ask if the people taking the shots are condemned criminals who can't appeal for their cases. Where is the power of appeal? Where's the freedom of choice enshrined in the constitution? Don't you think we're moving from libral democracy to anarchy? The death of this young man is a sign that taking the third shot might be a death sentence for some, while other might have just allowed a terminal disease into their body. It's well.


We are 100% moving away from any sort of liberal society, but it is not towards anarchy that we are moving, IMHO. We seem to be moving towards tyranny - yes, towards the sort of society where some sort of authority may order you to undergo any kind of medical procedure - including one that may kill you.

And this is why we need to resist this sort of push.