Getting a vaccine is just basic science and safety.
Not getting it is moronic.
That's a very interesting opinion, I'm curious to see the evidence substantiating these claims. Are you saying that the most highly educated Americans are “moronic” because of their choice? As PhDs are, according to education level, the most ‘vaccine hesitant’ population in the US and also the least likely group to change their mind about their choice not to take the jab according to one of the largest nationwide polls on the subject. If not getting it is truly moronic, strange how so many highly educated experts, doctors, medical professionals, nurses, military personnel, frontline workers of all fields and PhDs are apparently morons according to your logic, despite numerous pro-Vaxx doctors openly telling us that the ‘vaccine hesitant’ and so-called anti-Vaxxers they meet on a regular basis are by and large far more informed about the trial data, scientific literature and facts about the injections and Covid risks than those jumping to get it and shaming those who don’t...
I’m quite content with my informed choice, and continue to await someone, anyone, who can show me evidence that indicates my choice is moronic, because I sure have seen plenty indicating quite the opposite. Please do share whatever evidence you are basing your bold claims on, so all of us who have made the “moronic” choice can see just exactly why that is.
Thanks and take care.
7 B + vaccines already administered worldwide. Is 700M people sick? Is 7M people sick? None of the above.
I am a PhD. My wife is a PhD :) Most of my friends are PhDs :) They have all taken vaccine for a while. Coming up on a year for a lot of us.
Obviously none of us are sick and we travel all over the world :)
Both my kids, 5 and 10 are vaccinated and they are doing perfectly fine. All my friends kids are vaccinated all my neighborhood kids are vaccinated!
Dude where in the world do you live ! Lol?
I have no time, energy or intent to “show” you anything. You are completely entitled to your opinion :) Enjoy your life or not, I don’t care.
It is interesting you have time, energy and the intent to demean those who choose different than you by saying that those who don't get the jab are moronic yet you do not have time, energy or intent to show anyone just why and how exactly that is the case.
I am really just trying to understand why people like yourself think the decision people like myself make to hold off on getting an experimental injection made by a criminal organization (Pfizer, J&J both convicted in court) still in trial phase of development that is admittedly and demonstrably ineffective at preventing transmission, infection and symptomatic disease in recipients, is a moronic decision, when its creation was also the most rushed in history of drugs to make it to market (even CNN said this unprecedented rushing of the jab was 'colossally stupid') and it is associated with more reported adverse reactions following injection than all reported adverse reactions following injection with all other vaccines combined in the entire history of the existence of the CDC vaccine adverse effect reporting database.
I get that you have no obligation to show me anything, but since you were the one who said the vaccine hesitant were moronic, I was simply hoping you'd be eager to share some evidence supporting your claim so I could look it over and better understand the view of those who shame the vaccine hesitant and resistant.
That you and other PhDs got the jab does not negate the fact that a study based on 5 million survey responses in the US found PhDs to be the group most resistant to getting the shot, with almost 25% of PhDs represented classified as 'vaccine hesitant', more than any other group by education level.
Are you really meaning to say that tens, even hundreds of thousands of American PhDs are all moronic? And if anyone is to believe that, surely there must be some evidence demonstrating why the informed decision made by so many highly educated people is actually moronic, and unwillingness to share it doesn’t bolster confidence in the accuracy/reality of such claims.
Two people now have used the word moronic which, coincidently is an anagram of the latest variant.
I personally know Well over 10 ppl with vaccine reaction to various levels or death, all friends or family of people I know very well in real life. I still don’t know anyone who’s died of covid. Whilst I believe covid exists and people have died sadly people are heavily under estimating vaccine injury and have no idea of long term data especially mixing and matching various ones and layering them all on top of one another. Each to their own I guess.