So, over the last month since the October 7th human sacrifice carried out by the IDF & Hamas (both violent terrorist organizations funded by the CIA & State Department), the mainstream media has cranked the WW3-sales-pitches to the highest we've ever seen.
With known eugenicist talking heads coming out on both "sides" of the conflict, fighting over who can come up with better ways to justify genocide, ethnic cleansing, murdering babies & children, and all the other disgusting, evil things that satanic pedophile psychopaths are always pushing.

The state of Israel was created at the end of WW2.
Many even think that the creation of "Israel" was one of the main motivators for the war (besides the usual human sacrifice & economic gains for the parasites)...
There's a lot we could go into if we start wandering down that rabbit hole... look at how the big Bankster families like the Rothschilds converted to Judaism and changed their names. Look at Hitler's family. Look at the US/UK banks & manufacturers supporting the Nazis the whole time. Look at the pharmaceutical companies who were actually running the concentration camps and using the prisoners as test subjects. Most of these corporations still exist, still receive tax money from the US, and are still supported by the average person every single day.
Here's a little look at the land that "Israel" was given when it was created, and what has been taken through violence since...
And this map is only updated through 2012...
And no, Palestine hasn't recovered any of that land in the last 11 years.
Let's throw some funny in there...
This is probably my favorite video I've seen about the topic of the conversation around Israel-vs-Palestine...
After 3 years of plandemic nonsense being used to divide & conquer (very effectively), it has been great to talk to so many "normal" people who aren't jumping on either bandwagon right now, and getting a really good look at the propaganda machine at work (paying college kids to attend rallies, paying influencers to support israel publicly, full #MSM lockstep, etc.)
No, Israel does not have a right to exist!
And neither does any other organized crime syndicate calling itself a "state" or "government."
Final thoughts...
It seems like both false-dichotomy "sides" of this conflict are still drinking the statist Kool-Aid 100%...
They believe that "states" exist, they believe that theft, rape, and murder are acceptable, just only under their specific set of circumstances, etc.
In reality, this conflict, like so many others, is simply human sacrifice for the purposes of control, power, money, and Black Magic.
It doesn't even matter if that Black Magic is real, or if you/I believe in it, because the people at the top most certainly believe in it, and base their every action on those principles.
That video though, just about rounds up how absurd it all is.
Hope life is going good Kenny xxx
This entire thing is such a mess.
The entire word/concept of "Israel" might have been made up to be used later by the people who claimed Palestine as their own. So, it is important to consider that this entire thing may be the end of a really long plan.
Then you have the "holocaust", which was widely publicized, and Hitler made out to be the worstest bad guy ever. (I mean, how dare he lock up a rots-child?) So, we have these inflated numbers, that MUST be accepted as fact, and that joos are the most hated peoples.
Then they keep out of the news the joo ish destruction of Palestine people and their lands.
Palestinians are not welcome into other Muslim countries.
The propaganda never stops.
Both sides are armed. Hamas is formed and armed by the Cocain Import Agency.
This whole thing is a staged event, where innocent people are just getting slaughtered.
The people i am against are Net-n-yahoo and Go Brandon. The rest, i am unsure about.
It's always nice to see you here! I watched you on the Dbroze event.
I just yesterday had a conversation with a dear friend of mine who supports the genocide in Gaza. She simply cannot accept that I will not take her side in this matter, that I feel not enough is truly known to take any "side," and that the true perpetrators are not among the apparent players.
If a country has to commit theft, rape, murder or genocide in order to exist, then it should not exist. I can extrapolate that to no state should exist as you say.
Funny video. Interesting times!!! Thank you for speaking out so clearly.
Nation States exist to protect their people from being slaughtered and raped by outsiders who hate them.
That is their only legitimate purpose. All other nation state functions other than defence can be done better by blockchains or private enterprise.
All nation states exist because they have defeated their enemies. Those that cannot and do not cease to exist and their peoples are often wiped out. That is the reality of human history.
It is why pure libertarianism cannot work.
I'm sorry that harsh reality has so disturbed your utopian libertarian ideals that you chose to believe the baseless and highly offensive rubbish that the IDF's failures on Oct 7 were deliberate (rather than failed strategic and tactical concepts).
Maybe the American government could do this sort of thing to its own people but it is utterly impossible in Israel and for Jews.
Israel is doing what any State that hopes to survive in this Hobbsian world would do - utterly defeat its enemies and eliminate future threats.
And the US's contribution is minor and insignificant. Biden is just grandstanding to claim a win after all the US military debacles.
Same like with Ukraine that already started before 2014...
But people cheered for the western intervention and supplying of war material.
Now it is very obvious, they have lost - but who cares? We have a new place that is important - the holy land, Israel
(funny if not so fucking sad)
in which we can clearly see that downvotes are used in vendettas against persons and certain content on Hive. Not a good look.
Yeah, I figured that was going to happen if I started posting again.
Lots of folks would love to get noticed by an account with millions of HP 🤣