I'm glad I didn't get it, and a lot of people in my immediate life didn't either. I've asked myself many of those questions and spent a good bit of time looking into the whole thing.
But, one thing that I'm not sure about is - hypethetically, if it was about population control, why would they want to get rid of all the people who are easily controlled and manipulated? That's one question I have no idea how to answer.
I've started to believe that there isn't some all powerful "them" with a plan, and instead there are just corrupted idiots in power who haven't got a clue what they're doing. The pandemic made me start thinking that, because of what an absolute mess it was.
I wondered that, too. I think reducing population is a simplistic answer, to be fair. At the same time, humanity won't survive with the people who follow and are easily manipulated. If we're gonna cull the population, we'd better keep the free thinkers and the ones ready to oppose authority, rather than the ones to follow. I mean sure, they'll follow you, Joe Leader, but then you'll eventually die, and what's left is a mass of ignorant, stupid people. With them, society perishes. Sorry for sounding crude, but if there are people out there thinking along these lines, I imagine they're pretty crude, also.
Well yeah, I mean in a perfect scenario - if culling people can be a good scenario - free thinkers and innovators would be the people we'd want to keep around. The place would be pretty boring if there were just dry-shites left behind.
I think the easiest way to cull a large swath of the population in the space of days and weeks would be to, start a scamdemic, make everyone take something and make that a hot-button issue, and bombard people with it - to the point that they in fight with each other over it - then come out and say that those two years were wasted over essentially a cold, and those shots you got are pointless, as are the boosters. Then make the whole world mistrust the government, then release the real bug, and when lockdowns come into effect, nobody will listen and it'll spread really quickly.
Then the only people left will be captive Humans who are traumatised and already afraid to leave their houses or socialise, hence why they're still around. Then you have really easy to control people who don't have the social skills to demonstrate or protest.
Realistically though, if that ^ scenario were the case, then the only people to be blamed for the death of countless millions would be the ones who ignored the guidelines, so technically, fault couldn't be pinned on anyone in particular.
Honestly, that would be a good way to get rid of a large portion of the population. Thankfully, I don't think we're there. If they started telling people the same (or slightly modified) shit now, I'm pretty sure many of them would still buy it.