Why Great Ancient Structures Could Totally Have Been Built By Men Like Us

in Informationwar3 months ago

A lot of people, including educated people, still subscribe to the argument that a lot of huge ancient structures couldn't have been built by men that look like us, the modern Homo Sapiens. That these structures are so huge, take a lot of effort and resources to build that the ancient homo sapiens couldn't have built them.

They say these structures could have been built by aliens, or giants because we know for a fact that there were giants on Earth at one point.

This write-up doesn't aim to argue about who built these structures, but rather to argue that there is absolutely no reason why humans just like us couldn't have built these. And the reason is really simply that: Ancient Men Were Supermen!


All the hours and energy it could have taken to build these with today's technology, this current era of men may not be capable of, but the men of the ancient era were way more capable because they lived a way more difficult life than we do.

• Think about how many miles you've walked your entire life. The ancient men, ideally, should have walked that amount of miles multiplied by 1000 or so.

There were no cars, remember? People had to trek most time. And they weren't trekking through tarred roads, but mostly rough paths, climbing and descending mountains, etc.

• Think about how many KG you have lifted in your life, multiply it by 1000 or probably more. That's how many KGs the ancient man must've lifted. They mostly had to fetch water from far away, carrying containers from distances. They had to carry logs, farm produce, etc.

Beasts of burdens for this and transportation weren't in use till about 4000 BC, and not everyone had them.

Furthermore, every man had to farm with their hands at an early age, or hunt, or construct, or fight, or all the above.

• The food they had was also way more natural and less processed. They didn't have plastic in everything. And you should know how much the food of today is against our natural constitution.

• Also recall studies that have shown the drop in testosterone levels and grip strength in men. You should look at this article on Forbes titled You are not the man your father was, here's an excerpt:

A 2007 study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, revealed a “substantial” drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s, with average levels declining by about 1% per year. This means, for example, that a 60-year-old man in 2004 had testosterone levels 17% lower than those of a 60-year-old in 1987. Another study of Danish men produced similar findings, with double-digit declines among men born in the 1960s compared to those born in the 1920s.

• Lastly, the psychology of the ancient man was way more in tune with doing difficult stuff. People who can't imagine air conditioning, cars, elevators, instant messaging, etc, had a deep-seated knowledge of the fact that it takes a lot of energy to do something. They accepted this, it was the only way they knew, and so they were primed to unleash way more energy than the modern man can dream of.

They also didn't have as much medicine as we do today and the immune system had to fight and become way stronger. People had to heal from more devastating stuff.

The point is, the lifestyle from way back produced way stronger men.
At the end of the day, you have a totally different man. A way stronger man. Superman.

Apart from Being Supermen

• Slavery

Let's not forget slavery. Slavery meant these Supermen could be worked to their limits too.

• The Wall of China

The great wall is one structure no one argues about. Everyone is certain it was built by humans. So if that could be built by humans why not the other structures? Or at least that shows yourm the kind of feats humans are capable of.

The End

Source of first pic

Source of second pic

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