English Covid Inquiry Revelation

in Informationwar10 days ago (edited)

The English Covid Inquiry continues to rumble on being covered only in the right wing press despite what should be headline news for all.

The latest is a frank admission by Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer during the plandemic, that the decision to make Covid vaccines mandatory was “100% political”.

Chris Whitty

So the government’s insistence that it was “following the science” was bullshit.

What about informed consent? How could mandatory vaccination even be contemplated if the Chief Medical Officer was against it?

Remember that care home workers were sacked if they refused to be vaccinated, despite the fact that the vaccine did not stop infection or transmission. Following this there was then a proposal, though later abandoned, for all healthcare workers to face the same mandate, again on pain of losing their jobs.

And for months it was seriously proposed that everyone in the country would be obliged to carry “vaccine passports” just to go about their daily business.


No wonder so many felt coerced. Yet, we now know, thanks to the interminably slow Covid Inquiry, that Whitty was sceptical about mandates. He now says, since “every drug and vaccine has side effects, and some of those may be rare, but still severe”.

Not what they where saying then – still officially not what the state is saying now. However, the Covid vaccine caused appalling injuries and fatal conditions, including blood clots, partial paralysis, myocarditis and vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis.

Close to 20,000 jabbed Brits have applied to the vaccine damage payment scheme to seek compensation for injuries either to themselves or to loved ones. This is the tip of the ice berg.

For example, you have to be at least 60% disabled by the vaccine to get a payout, so those who were merely 59% disabled get nothing. The amount is a maximum of £120,000, a measly amount.

The government knew about the risks and had set aside nearly £2bn to indemnify the pharmaceutical companies who’d developed the vaccines, yet went ahead with its mandate for care workers anyway.

It forced hundreds of thousands of care workers, whether they liked it or not, to get the jab or lose their job.


Robert Taylor, political commentator on The Express wrote;

What’s more, in the long run, forcing people to do something rather than giving them the facts and allowing them to decide for themselves is just stupid.

More and more people are now, post Covid, expressing “vaccine hesitancy”, and less than half of all frontline healthcare workers, who know a thing or two about vaccines, now have the annual flu jab.

Could it be that the state’s attempts to force the vaccine on certain people alienated the population, producing even less trust?

The bigger question to ask is, as the decision was political, what was the source of polity? I don't think it was the bozo British government - and how come this was repeated in many countries? [Event 201 come to mind anyone?]

Published 15 Oct 2019