Select Subcommittee submit their Explosive Covid Report

in Informationwar3 months ago

Trust is earned

wrote Rep. Brad Wrenstrup (R-Ohio), who chaired the subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Their final report, issued Monday, exposes high-level corruption in the U.S. public health system.

The two-year investigation has cumulated in this 520-page report also cites examples of U.S. public health officials making unscientifically based recommendations — like masking and school closures for kids — that violated U.S. citizens’ trust in their leaders

Photo Brad Wenstrup

Wrenstrup noting that;

there is more information to find and honest actions to be taken.

On Wednesday, the committee will complete its final markup of the report and submit it to the Congressional record.

Here are the Seven Highlights to the Report

  1. The Covid virus most likely originated from a lab leak
  2. Extended school closures and lockdowns were unsupported by science
  3. Fauci said the social distancing rules “sort of just appeared”
  4. US Government is failing those injured by Covid vaccines
  5. Dept of Health and Human Services obfuscated evidence
  6. Fauci’s senior advisor obfuscated evidence
  7. Dr Peter Daszak tried to hide evidence

In Depth

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) CEO Mary Holland told The Defender;

Thank goodness for the Select Subcommittee’s work to create a comprehensive record of what occurred during COVID.

She added:

While ‘there is more information to find and honest actions to be taken,’ as Chairman Wenstrup stated, this voluminous report outlines the likely lab leak origin of COVID-19; NIH [National Institutes of Health] and HHS [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] obstruction; rampant fraud in funding mechanisms; and the extraordinary harms to children from U.S. COVID policies.

This report should be front-page news around the world.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told The Defender that the new report bolsters his argument for why Congress must pass the Risky Research Review Act, a bill he introduced to ensure independent oversight of taxpayer-funded research like the dangerous gain-of-function research conducted in Wuhan.

Lab Leak


The report list five main reasons to support the lab leak theory.

  1. The virus has a biological feature not found in nature
  2. Data shows, uniquely, this was from a single introduction to humans
  3. History of Wuhan lab conducting gain of function research at inadequate biosafety levels
  4. Researchers at the lab got sick in the autumn of 2019
  5. No evidence of a natural origin

The report also highlights the involvement in gain of function research in the leak from the lab in Wuhan. Further the involvement of Dr Daszak’s EcoHealthAlliance and funding from Fauci’s NIH. Claiming there was failure to oversee and report on “a dangerous experiment”.


The subcommittee referred to a report by the CDC which showed children were at very low risk of becoming sick. It found schools were not vectors for viral spread and closures unlikely to mitigate the spread.

The report also discussed how lockdown efforts beyond school closures were unsupported by scientific evidence. Lockdowns unnecessarily hurt U.S. businesses and individual citizens — especially kids.

Masking and Social Distancing


During the pandemic, public health officials were “flip flopping” on the efficacy of masks without providing scientific data.

Fauci said during a closed-door testimony that the social distancing guidance of remaining 6 feet apart “sort of just appeared.”

The report said forcibly masking young kids ages 2 and up “caused more harm than good”.

Vax Injured


The committee members examined how well the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) — the government’s mechanism for responding to people injured by a COVID-19 shot — is functioning.

They concluded that CICP is;

failing to efficiently, fairly, and transparently adjudicate claims for COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

The report explained:

Regardless of any claims that COVID-19 vaccines are particularly dangerous, it appears that the federal government mandated them without an adequate system in place to adjudicate the inevitable injuries they cause. This may have significant effects on the trust of the public and damage confidence in vaccines.

The report authors said it’s not “anti-vax” to debate or discuss vaccine injury. It’s especially paradoxical to label someone injured by the COVID-19 vaccine as “anti-vax.”

Obfuscated Evidence


According to the press release:

The Biden Administration’s HHS engaged in a multi-year campaign of delay, confusion, and non-responsiveness in an attempt to obstruct the Select Subcommittee’s investigation and hide evidence that could incriminate or embarrass senior public health officials.
Documents were incomplete or redacted.

40 pages of the report were detailing how Dr David Morgan, Fauci’s longtime aide;

[who] likely destroyed evidence, used personal email to hide from accountability, and acted unbecoming of a federal employee

The committee alleged that Morens destroyed sensitive emails from his private Gmail account that contained messages between Fauci and Daszak.

The committee said in its press release that Morens “likely lied” to Congress on multiple occasions, unlawfully deleted federal COVID-19 records, and shared nonpublic information about NIH grant processes with Daszak.

Ten pages were devoted to Daszak’s obstruction of the investigation. The report states;

In response to the Select Subcommittee’s request for documents and communications between Dr. Daszak and Dr. Marion Koopmans, a member of the WHO [World Health Organization] origins investigation, Dr. Daszak planned to obstruct the Select Subcommittee by claiming ‘diplomatic immunity’ and ‘WHO privacy rules’.

They concluded;

It is likely Dr. Daszak provided false statements to the Select Subcommittee.

The report is as telling for what they have concluded as for what, even now, Fauci and co are trying to cover up. Morens went to the ends of misspelling words so FOI requests would be invalid.

The trouble is this should be massive news but I bet it didn’t even make the news cycle. It seems the world has moved on and all these reports proving us right after all don’t feel like they matter anymore? Yet, it is exactly these reports coming out one by one that can change the tide eventually.


You think all those ads on MSM are intended to sell more drugs? Do you know anyone who has, or have you, ever gone to a doctor and asked for one of those meds? Nah unh, big pharma doesn't care if those ads sell more drugs. Those ads are legal bribes to keep media from investigating, or exposing, big pharma as a criminal enterprise.

It should be front and center in the media but i don't have to tell you that the media conglomerates are owned by the same people that own the pharmaceutical companies. I would love to see some heads roll but I think we all know they wont. The only thing I can really think of that might be considered at least somewhat of a positive is that the world hopefully, hopefully, will never allow their government to do this to them again. Well, except Australia, they seem to love being governed.