UK Covid Inquiry

in Informationwar12 days ago


Another revelation has come from the UK’s Covid Inquiry which is in the Inquiry's fourth module, which is considering issues relating to the development of Covid-19 vaccines and their implementation.

The UK Government now admits that it knew that people would be injured by the Covid vaccines before they were rolled out.

From The Telegraph;

The Government anticipated a £1.7 billion bill for injuries caused by the coronavirus vaccine, the Covid Inquiry has heard.....

Documents shown to the inquiry reveal the Government was prepared for problems because Covid vaccines were developed at a 'much faster pace' and would not be put through 'more extensive clinical trials that would usually be the norm'....

Documents show that after initial conversations with Pfizer-BioNTech – which developed one of the mRNA jabs – the Government had estimated indemnity costs of between £75 billion and £300 billion.

Families of those harmed by Covid vaccines told the UK Covid Inquiry they were forced to support each other during the pandemic because there was no other help.


Kate Scott, who represents the group Vaccine Injured and Bereaved UK (VIBUK), said they felt they were;

almost being pushed into the shadows during the pandemic.

The inquiry also heard from a victims' group in Scotland which raised concerns that the vaccine had been rolled out too quickly, and that safety had been sacrificed for speed.

Mrs Scott, whose husband Jamie was left severely disabled by a vaccine, said:

We are an uncomfortable truth, but we are a truth and the truth is for everyone in our group - the vaccine caused serious harm and death.

The inquiry heard that figures from a Freedom of Information request by VIBUK show that, as of 30 November 2024, victims and their families have made 17,519 claims to the scheme.

This of course represents the most serious cases. I personally know people left unable to work who wouldn’t even think of applying for compensation. Let alone those who have been injured but haven’t connected the dots.

It was a lie to say that the vaccines were "safe" and it was unethical to coerce and mandate people into taking them. Worse still, it was pure evil to expose our nation's children to this unnecessary and entirely avoidable risk of serious injury and death.


Quelle surprise! It's just governments doing what governments do.