
in Informationwaryesterday (edited)


It’s been like watching a soap opera as the end of the war in Ukraine draws ever nearer. Right now Putin is sat back laughing with his popcorn offering to establish peace talks between the US and Ukraine.

Leading up to the big showdown on Friday there had been a series of insults – Trump calling Zelensky a dictator for one. Generally calling Zelensky out for not being more grateful. Only Zelensky has had three years of sycophantic pandering and promises of total support he's a puppet with his strings cut.

Now Trump appears to have been advised, correctly, that Russia are in a commanding place vis a vis the actual battlefield. Putin doesn’t need to negotiate but the character of Russia has always been defensive so he probably will come to the table, but whether Zelensky will be there, as of right now, seems hardly likely.


From the outset of the car crash that was Friday, Trump quipped twice about Zelenksy's lack of suit and about seeing him dress up for the occasion. The GI Joe outfit is wearing thin.

There are rumours that Zelensky is a coke head and with all the pressures of being a losing war leader this could be true. For whatever reason, you can tell Zelensky felt majorly uneasy through the event; rolling his eyes, shaking his head, sniffing, shrugging, his arms folded.

The Americans (Trump and Vance) both brought up the issue of thankfulness and lack thereof. In other words, Zelensky has acted like an arrogant, spoilt brat. That’s what the West has created.

Zelensky has never come under such fire – and certainly not in the face of the world’s media like that. He was publicly humiliated in what Western press are saying was an “ambush”. And after Ukraine paid for it’s own visit and all, they didn’t even get to stay for the prepared lunch, as he was unceremoniously booted out of the WH.


There are allegations on Telegram that Zelensky swore at Vance under his breath saying the Russian words – suka, blyat (fuck you bitch).

Trump’s anger obviously boiled over with frustration telling Zelensky he is “gambling with world war three”.

Now even staunch supporters like Lindsey Graham are asking themselves if they want to do business with Zelelnsky now.

Zelelsnky, tail between his legs, immediately got on a flight to the UK. Speaking as a UK citizen my country has been 100% behind Ukraine. Although all the blue and yellow flags have now disappeared. Both political parties are staunch supporters. It was UK PM Boris Johnson who flew to Kiev to scuttle early peace talks back in 2022. Also, as Seymour Hirsch detailed the UK undoubtedly had a hand in blowing up the Nord stream pipelines.

This weekends Telegraph, a serious British newspaper, ran an opinion piece entitled What Would It Take To Get Britain Ready For War Against Russia. Delusional or what. The piece noted several times that the British Armed Forces lacked armaments because we’ve given them to...Ukraine!

In contrast to the lame street media TikTok exploded with overwhelming support for Trump and Vance. People are getting behind the message for peace and want to end this financially ruinous and unwanted drain on the US economy.

No minerals deal was struck. Indeed that’s something of a ruse. Ukraine has rich farming land, a few rare earth minerals but nearly all of them are located in Russian controlled territory. It is one way though, to save face in front of the American public, without having to admit this proxy war has ended in defeat.

During the conference it was also brought up that Zelensky had campaigned for the Democrats. You could tell that rankled. The salient point is that it was the Biden regime that pumped billions of dollars into Ukraine with no effort at negotiating peace. Almost like they wanted to keep the engine of war going.


Now some of the European leaders are shitting their pants. Having created a bogey man in Russia they are afraid of the US leaving them to their own devices. They’ve called a crisis summit for today where Zelensky will be feted once more. Promises of support will abound but all will be wheeled back when reality hits. Without the US Europe has absolutely no chance of holding back the front line. Ukraine are running out of men and European countries won’t be sending theirs.

However, not all of Europe feels the same way and Hungary's Orban will be looking to encourage the Europeans to accept the new truth and to broker a peace treaty. To that end Slovakia is also on board having voted against sanctions.

No, they are going to have to face up to the fact there’s a new sheriff in town and he wants an end to this. He’s got bigger fish to fry with China. Here's what Trump had to say:



Good post!
The public media in Europe still had the sense of reality after 2014 and reported how the regime shelled its own russian-speaking population in the east with artillery after the coup. Today they don't want to know anything about it, worship Z. like a saint and believe that Ukraine is defending our “democracy”, even though the country is one of the most corrupt, democratic elections have been banned and minority protection doesn't exist there! Why is Europe so stupid?

Many Europeans, like Ukrainians, probably do not support the destructive line of their politicians. However, the forces that remain in the shadows are ready to pursue their business interests at any cost. To achieve this, they possess folders of varying thickness containing compromising material on every key political figure, making European politicians compliant when it comes to making anti-people decisions at crucial moments.

It is a mistake to think that people in such positions do not understand what is happening or the consequences their decisions will lead to. This is a clear betrayal of the country's interests and those of the electorate. But the "democracy" of the 21st century will not allow the people to overthrow these traitors from below.

Therefore, all that remains for us is to stock up on popcorn and watch the unfolding of this bloody show of the transformation of the world order.

True. But who owns those folders with the compromising material? It is not the US administration, that´s for sure now.

Intelligence agencies from various countries possess these materials. They are also the ones who set up "honey traps" to fill these folders with compromising information. They sell this information to various transnational corporations for large sums of money, and these corporations, in turn, use this information for their own benefit. Sometimes, the interests of different players align, and we can observe the formation of political coalitions. It seems to me that the deep state, which controls EU politicians, is now uniting to fight against the emergence of a new multipolar world order.
Let see)

Makes sense. Only good that Trump has now a top notch personal security.

I'm sure he understands all the risks associated with his decisions🙏