AbSOLuteLY @roguepirates! I've read 2/3 U mentioned. The Contaigon Myth (1st Ed) was the 1st I read early on in the Scamdemic.
& this one for MANY gr8 interviews etc. from some these ALLSTARS:
@Crazyeddie1980: VIP- U should also check out the FREE summit, "The End of Covid" https://theendof covid.com going on RIGHT NOW & free until Aug. 1st! Click on the Learning Center TAB 2 view the self-directed learning modules (all video) & the many topics exposing & dismantling the CONvID 19(84) narrative & HI(S-TORY) & fraud of virology & germ theory. It features nearly 90 speakers & the 'Cream of the crop & 'Allstars' of Team 'No Virus.' It may even cover ur issue w/ ChX Pox; which I know others such as Drs. Cowan, Kaufman, or Sam Bailey have. I think da BEE-U-TI-FUL & BRILLIANT Dr Sam Bailey had done a vid on it & other similar issues like Polio, Rabies, Hepatitis etc. Check out her Odysee channel:
He does an excellent job of summarizing the anomalies of Virology & (REAL) Health, MUST READ books (2/3 we mentioned), TOP channels, interviews, articles, & KEY Documentaries to view!If U don't have the time etc. for the summit, you should DEFINITELY check out this man's Substack blog: https://sacredheartvortex.substack.com/p/viral-dissonance
How do you explain that children develop chickenpox symptoms all at the same time when they attend chickenpox parties? Do they all become "toxic" at the same time by chance? It makes more sense to believe that there is something called germs that can infect other living beings.
Even better, is the talk with Dawn Lester, David Parker, & Alex Zack in the current summit, "The End of Covid" (.com): What About Measles, Chicken Pox, & Polio."
U may not even have 2 sign ^ since I've supplied U w/ direct Link!?!
Possible explanations & anomalies discussed: Bioresononance (Electrical, etc), Nocebo effect, toxcities & purging, hormonal synchronicity, & more.Been meaning 2 respond 2U even though its been a week ago- hopefully hive-chain will notify u of my reply! I found Dr Sam Bailey's vid on Chx Pox parties: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/chickenpox-parties-and-varicella-zoster:f https://theendofcovid.com/eoclms/what-about-measles-chickenpox-polio/
IF ANYTHING, check out their talk...Its only on & FREE for a few more dayz!!
Also, their book, "What Really Makes You ILL" would be beneficial & a bigger deep dive into this discussion. As I mentioned earlier, others th@ have talked about this & have come^ w/ plausible explanations are: Drs. T. Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, Amanda Vollmer, & Bailey's. The Sacred 💓 Vortex Substack "Viral Dissonance" Link I gave U has links on getting 2 their channels, etc.
Holler L8R!