My Book
Lasers, Cavers And MAGIC
A True Story of the one man's journey from guns and lasers, to metaphysics and spirituality
By Steven D. Kelley
Published by
S.K. Industries Publishing January 2011
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Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: T.B.A. International Standard Book Number ###-#-#######-#-#
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To my dear Danelle and my children Thank you for your patience
This story represents a personal journey of evolution thirty years in the making. My intention is to only show the series of events and experiences that have helped me to realize the path that I would learn follow. There are no coincidences that arbitrarily happen to us. Every person we meet and everything that takes place in our lives is intended to move us along to our ultimate destination.
By recounting my steps I hope to show the reader the influences that allowed me to connect the dots and become the person I am today. At times the information may seem heavy and possibly difficult to accept. In order deal with the many revelations, I have been obligated to develop a very open mind and to learn how to store away every bit of information no matter how incredible. This skill has served me well over the years as I would find that what I may conceive as impossible one day will resurface many years later to be reconsidered under new circumstances. This ability to maintain an open mind and to file away vast amounts of disparate information is a very important part of what I would like the reader to develop.
I ultimately hope that you will come away from this with a positive message. The major lesson is that we can choose to become mostly service to others as opposed to being mostly service to self. This is the path of all the greatest spiritual teachers that have lived on the Earth. This is alsothemosteffectivewaytoincreaseourownhumanpotential. Wehumanshavegreat power that is waiting to be awakened. This is the magic. The World we live in today is a product of our mass perceived reality. A time will come soon when people will be able to create their own reality. This is the ultimate gift bestowed on humans by our creator. We start by increasing our psychic skills. We grow more powerful when we share this energy with people around us. This is why it is so important to realize we are all related and that we need to learn to love every other human.
Once we have learned to avoid being drawn into the negative effects of being polarized by issuesthatthemediabombardsuswithwecanlearntopracticeunconditionallove. Whenwe watch the news we are force fed stories that play on our emotions and compel us to hate those that are portrayed as evil doers. We take sides and allow ourselves to become polarized which divides us and limits our ability to understand and have compassion. I know this is difficult to do. I personally went through a great shock to my core beliefs before I could come to terms with this concept. If you visualize the yin and yang symbol imagine that it is always spinning. The amount of black and white is ever changing. There is always a small amount of white or black at any spot on the circle. This is a perfect representation of the World we live in. Nothing is ever black or white; it is always shades of grey. Likewise this applies to good and evil. When it comes to humans there is always a small amount of both present. This is the first thing we learn on the road to becoming observers.
There is a list of suggested reading for further research. I hope that everyone will want to learn more about the people I have listed. Several of them have made great contributions and have paid a steep price for their leadership. There is also a Glossary that I hope will help with some of the technical terms I have used. Telling this story is very important to me and I hope the reader can appreciate the commitment and personal sacrifice I make to bring this information to you. My motivation is to help others to grow and become more powerful individuals and leaders. I am very passionate about this message and I look forward to the result of my being able to share it with you.
A day in the life of Steven Kelley
There was a time when I was like everyone else. I was happy and innocent and looked forward to living my life and growing old with my family close by. All of that changed for me in one day in the early 1990s. Like many young Americans I was raised to be patriotic and believed my country was righteous and could do no wrong. Now I was in an office in front of a desk with a man that I thought was CIA sitting across from me. He was smiling and telling me a story about a village deep in the jungle of Honduras. There were people living there, men, women, children, and all their animals. Supposedly these people were sympathetic to forces that wanted to change the Government. One day a group of soldiers came to that village deep in the jungle. They surrounded the area and systemically killed everyone and everything living in that village. They killed every man, woman, and child there was. They killed the animals, every goat, pig, chicken, and dog. And when they were done a big helicopter flew in with a bulldozer hanging underneath it. Somebody got on that bulldozer and dug a big trench. He then scraped the entire village into that hole. Every hut, every person, every dead animal went into the pit. The trench was covered with earth and the helicopter flew away taking the bulldozer with it. The men with the guns disappeared back into the jungle and left behind nothing but a clearing were the village once stood. This was a CIA death squad and these men did this in the name of my country. I was in shock and everything I was raised to believe about right and wrong was shattered. My innocence was taken away from me that day and I could never go back to being the person I was before.
“Every child is born a genius.” Richard Buckminster Fuller