Vaccination is an Individual Choice - This Petition is Optional

in Informationwar4 years ago


Above petition is for Australians

My personal stance and opinion is that more research needs to be done before they can be declared safe. Children
should not be given it while it has emergency use status, vax passports idea is horrific and must not go ahead.

I am supportive of both sides in the debate as long as civility and respect is kept between all parties, and
the use of force, coercion of an individual is never a consideration.
Support of such action would spotlight a bad faith actor.
(or a mouthpiece for a totalitarian group)


More Vaccine Exemptions

For anyone considering taking one of the vaccines I support speaking to your own doctor first and do your own research on each of them, as well as the Big Pharma makers themselves.

link above also here to Nuremberg code

Link to Helsinki Declaration

For interesting discussions I can also recommend the Dark Horse podcast as they do their best to be impartial and examine facts from a scientific stand. Credible as they are both evolutionary biologists. The are the duo that broke the Ivermectin cover-up and led the charge on the lab-leak theory when mass media had its head way way up its own ass in denial.

link above to a selection of Dark Horse casts

One authority to approach with great scepticism is the WHO.

link to learn why is below


I've had "The Something" once, in the spring of 2020. It was pretty horrid. I got over it, by myself, at home. I had it again, recently, about 16 months later. I felt "somewhat sick," and it was basically out of here in 72 hours.

My experience is that natural immunity works... just the same as most of our serious childhood illnesses.

But that's my experience; people should be free to do what they want.


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I am more concerned about the way governments of 'free' societies suddenly begin to exercise brute force on a substance that to me is still 'experimental'. It arouses suspicion. If they get away with this, who knows what they would be going after next.Well said, @Surrealpete

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At least the world's medical society needs to protect their prestige by proffering a solution even if it's not dependable

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that there seems to be a ulterior reason they are all pushing the vax so hard is obvious. it has nothing to do with health either. but whatever the real reason is we will likely know in the next yea or two.
heads of state who refuse to push the vax die suddenly. another point against it. fact they want kids to take it is the worst.

The world is controlled by one power. In Indonesia, vacc is the mandatory to get public services.

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Thank you for updating this platform.

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The vaccines are haven't been said to be entirely efficient and as such, if taken into the body it could be a win or lose situation.

The government haven't said anything about the vaccines being authentic .. or have they.?

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What do you mean?! Get the vaccine so everybody can get better 5G you selfish prick!

Hard to understand what you mean here since 5g wasn't mentioned. Was it general sarcasm in response to the authoritarian profiteers forcing us into an experiment or were you making fun of the subject and fear associated.

I am just trolling anyone who is against the vaccine xD
Just for the memes and the lulz :p

just curious about that token you and @thekittygirl were promoting on @chronocrypto's post... are you the creator of said token? I meant to bring up how it would be symbiotic to the other non related blockchain called hive. maybe you reach out to them for further usage of that token on that eco friendly based blockchain

Thanks for your interest in SOL! I’m the creator of the token, which is based on HIVE.

You can find more info here: