Ways To Fix Australia's Corrupt Govt System - Queensland

in Informationwar3 years ago

0rejectUN21.jpgclick here to see the history of how the Australian Govt was hijacked and usurped by an organized and patient group of traitors loosely identified as Fabians
These are facts, this conspiracy is real. And the destruction of democracy is global. Those too brainwashed to see or too stupid to join the dots, take your 3rd booster and head for the showers. Good riddance. https://www.bitchute.com/video/0FPVk0kUsgGN/

In conjunction with the charges of treason against Premier Dictator Dan, which is underway now and is the subject of a previous post, another legal avenue to restore our valid Constitution passed a critical hurdle in Qld.

That being - it was accepted on the 3rd of Nov by the courts to proceed to stage2. In order to best explain this action, below is an outline of the case from the man involved, Mike Holt. **Holt vs Govt of Australia

1digitalidentity2.jpg https://www.bitchute.com/video/6zSBv6eQuchI/

Additional Background - https://cirnow.com.au/how-the-political-parties-stole-our-future/

### Case to prove invalidity of current State and Federal govt with the goal of resetting our political system back to the valid ie real, Constitution of 1901.
by M.Holt

The Supreme Court (Brisbane) accepted my filing for an ex parte hearing on November 3, 2021.


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What does this mean?
I will be pointing out to the Judge that if he accepts the statements in the Affidavit, Claim, and Statement of Claim filed in the court, Queensland will save Australia from the State Dictatorships currently destroying our country. As a result, Queensland will become a mecca for anyone around the country who is seeking true justice.
Queensland is in a unique position. Our Supreme Court by S 11 Supreme Court of Queensland Act 1991 saves all the laws in force in Queensland, declared in the Supreme Court Act 1867. No other state does this.
Nor have we used S 9 Australia Act 1986, to create a Star Chamber Court staffed by quasi-Priests, whose allegiance is to the State and not the Commonwealth Crown as required by law.
The Queensland Supreme Court is, therefore, able to dispense true justice for the People of the Commonwealth of Australia.
I have posted the full document filed with the court on the Common Law website It makes a very strong case, and I believe that our justice system will be empowered to make the right decisions, as it is bound to by Clause 5 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901. Click here to read the full text:

or alternative download pdf from here:


Please share this information with everyone you know. Public opinion will be a big factor in achieving success for this case. And, because it has been filed by an ordinary man, a member of the Commonwealth of Australia who is not a lawyer, I need the support of the people to help make our voice heard in this supreme court of law.

Warm Regards,
Mike Holt
Sunshine Coast
Assembly Convener

0capilsmtoneofuedlism.jpg https://www.bitchute.com/video/9vlHVjCXiBqV/

As a final footnote; of course I'll be following both the Vic case and the Qld one, updates as and when things proceed. For the sake of keeping humanitys freedoms, share this any the related docs on every platform you have. I'll sign off with a link to

### the Spartacus Letter. https://slate.host/daleg007/traitordan?cid=bafybeig4g65mlx3bduxbmlgphfdhy2fmng5fudj5ybwsuhsxy5n6qy25wq

An apt finale since if we do not take back our country, slavery and death awaits us all.


Same as any other country:

  1. Stop obeying any laws, besides Natural Law
  2. Stop paying taxes
  3. Stop joining the military/police/other gangs
  4. Stop taking in corporate media
  5. Government no longer exists at that point.

Looking forward to updates when you get them. Hope this will be effective as we really need it.