For once, I disagree with you
That's a good thing - if we agreed on everything, then there's something wrong in our discourse
I've found the idea of "pod wombs" very tempting. So long as it is done with informed consent, great safety measures, and of course FULL CONSENT (I know I said consent before, but "look, if you demand having babies the old way, we're going to have to..." is not consent), what's the issue?
Many mothers take pregnancy very hard. They can't handle the pain of childbirth, the food binges, the inability to move freely, and the hormonal disruptions. Why should they be denied the right to a baby for being "weak" (or for whatever reason, unable?)
For every heartfelt "oh my god, he's kicking!" moment, I've heard far more "oh god, he's kicking again... I wish it would stop". I know that if I were a woman I would opt the hell out of it.
That is not to say that pods are the way. All I'm saying is that as a safe option/alternative, this is definitely a way for many mothers. Especially those who may otherwise have issues during the pregnancy itself.
The issue is the effect on the child. Children born without a deep and loving bond to a living Mother are essentially damaged immediately in deep ways, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. The trouble this is causing the world is building to unsustainable levels - even due to hospital births, let alone synthetic wombs.
Loving mothers are needed now. Men and women can mostly all (presently) have children, but they do nothing to help themselves or the planet if they do not do so in full love (which few are at present). Rights are simply what is right and it is not right to have children who are only going to experience suffering for a long time as a result of inappropriate incarnation processes.
This book is outstanding on this topic.