This is a subject that is far too large for me to go into in enough depth here in order to transfer all the key points, you probably have some of them already anyway - but I don't know which ones. In essence, the entirety of existence is one being with many bodies/forms (including humans, planets and everything else). Therefore, any free energy that exists is your own energy. The question then becomes not 'how do I stop psychopaths from not letting me access free energy technology?', but 'what did i do that i don't remember or understand that is creating the illusion that says that i need something outside of myself to access free energy?'. From this position, the psychopaths are also us.
Psychopathy is the rejection of and denial of real emotions, leading to extreme and entrenched imbalance (typically leading to an actual violent hatred of emotionality). So in brief summary, the work that needs to be done is internal and not so much external.
Emotions are the expression of the living will, the same will that gives birth to worlds and planets. Free the emotion, free the energy (energy in motion. emotion).
Well, I tend to be vastly more "down-to-earth" and practical. Irrespective of all that, I see a solution, and know there are Ones who stand in the way. And there are two types of psychopaths, primary (genetic) and secondary (conditioned).
Primary psychopaths are incapable of feeling caring, compassion, love or empathy for Others. Secondary psychopaths shut off those feelings so as to "succeed," survive, and/or cope.
In a society run by primary psychopaths - as We see today - secondary psychopathy is expected.
And in none of what You said is there an answer to how to solve for psychopaths in control, how to stop the enslavement practice of accounting for Our (physical) energy added (the work/energy expended) so as to get enough in tokens to support Ourselves and family.