"You cannot opt out of one Cell-phone provider and switch to another..."
Monopoly is the key to the NWO. They want a monopoly on everything, your information, communications, money, all goods and services, etc. When they have a monopoly on every good and service necessary to survival and the degree of civil society they are willing to allow you, you are completely dependent on them for your life. You are a slave.
Reticulum is an alternative that is developing to the internet. It is only the last mile presently - but that is the hardest part of creating an internet. The content creator of this interview, Richard Vobes, is about the last guy in the world to present tech solutions. He's focused on farming, raw milk, and issues like that, but he used Reticulum to communicate, and if he can do it, anyone can.
This is how to prevent the NWO from having a monopoly - DIY. If they want to only provide CBDCs, use crypto they can't restrict by transmitting transactions via Reticulum, so they can't censor it. If they will only provide bugs, or cockroach milk, buy raw milk from Amish farmer Amos Miller. If they ban guns, print your own. The more you can make yourself, the more freedom you have. The more people that DIY, the more security from the NWO we have.
Licenses are just artificial barriers the 'authority' can impose that enable monopolies. Transport can be limited to those with government licenses. The glory of DIY is that you cannot be licensed to live your life. You are sovereign. The fact of your existence is your license to live. The fact you make what you want and need is your license. We don't need any stinkin' badges! Each of us is born sovereign, alone authorized to will our limbs into action, and cannot assign or sell our authority to any other. We cannot be property because we are sovereign. We can only act like slaves, at our worst.
The most critical goods and services necessary to sovereigns may be debatable amongst reasonable men, but will include food, water, power, and security. My recommendation is to focus on these things to start, and look at expanding capabilities once these things are able to be depended on by your own (automated) hand. Aquaponics, DIY solar panels and supercapacitors, extracting water from the vapor in air, modern mechanisms to secure your home from intruders, such as microwave moats, laser arrays, EMF modulation of neuroactive signals, and etc., are much more competent defensive mechanisms against armed gangs of thugs than firearms. More advanced technology always increases productivity, and in no industry is this more apparent than security. Firearms are based on 1000 year old tech, more comparable to swords than modern security tech.
Independence is not merely a political slogan. It is the truth of sovereignty, and why prosperity depends on merit. For communities to be able to prosper despite attempted monopolization of all goods and services by the NWO, these people need to be able to produce their necessities themselves, and to communicate at will to one another so they can transact and share the blessings of civilization amongst them. No man is an island, and humans are a social animal, so society is necessary to survival and communications fundamental to community.
The people that survive the enslavement the NWO tries to impose as free and sovereign will merit their prosperity and felicity because they will make and defend it themselves.