Wise Words Sunday, Just Listen

I was browsing YouTube and came across the video above. The man has wisdom because he’s not caught up in the chaos of corrupt societies. And unless we as a people unite, it’s game is over.

Make sure to drop your thoughts/opinions in the comment section below.

Now the rant.

I’m tired of every video, news media, and alternative source sharing all the chaos and complaining about the issues, but never offering a solution. All they want are likes and subscribers. Why? It monetizes them. They could give two dog droppings about saving this nation.

Many times I’ve stated the solution. But with the America we have today, no one has the stomach for it. Hell, during the fakedeminc I was in the Seattle area. I couldn’t find one male to walk into a store with me without a mask. Their excuse, they didn’t want to cause a problem, and yet it’s these same individuals who claim they’ll take a stand to save their freedoms. Really? Not happening. But do you know who did stand with me? Ladies, moms, and wives. That’s who stood as most men today are weak soy boys with man buns who are softer than limp dicks. Which also explains the drop in birth rates. Not including politicians who murder without mercy to guarantee birthrates are kept low.

Read This One, Maryland Senator Seens InfanticideRead full story

That’s another rant for another day.

With that said, I want to wish all my amazing followers a blessed and beautiful day.

And if you enjoyed this join me on my newsletter.