Every typical house must have one or two electronics. We’re even in the world where we need them the most because technology and electricity is power and we need them to navigate this life and also our everyday lives.
Here are five electrical safety tips for we all at home
Turning off our appliances before unplugging them from the socket
I’ve experienced cases whereby I had electrical shock maybe due to wet hands mainly because I didn’t turn of the socket before trying to unplug the electronic.
Also, our hands may not be wet. The socket may just be that which shocks people and it’s possible to claim people’s lives so it’s better to always turn them off before unplugging.
Do not touch live wires
I’m not surprised that so many people cannot differentiate between live wires or naked wires and the ones we can touch.
That’s not just it. Some people recognize live wires but fail to adhere to this particular rule of electrical safety.
Touching live wires causes electrical shock which claims lives and we can prevent that by staying away from live wires that has been plugged to the socket.
Turn off sockets while leaving the house
You may actually feel that your electronics are good at home and it’s not risky to put them on while you’re not at home. This is a huge mistake that people make.
Anything can happen. Have you seen instances where you used a charger some minutes ago and you try using it again but it doesn’t work?
That can happen. Sometimes, the light can be low or too full current and you can just save your electronics by turning them off if you won’t ge at home.
Wear gloves
This is important but so many of us underestimate the power of gloves. Gloves prevents the risk of electrical shocks. It protects you from any electrical hazard that may be meant to happen.
Dispose broken electrical appliances
Many of us manage a lot. We can join wires that has cut for about ten times. Why not dispose it? What if it shocks you? It can even cause fire outbreak.?
Once you see that a wire has been cut, dispose the electronics and buy another one.
Here are the five tips I’ll love to share with you concerning electrical safety.
Thanks for reading