
in SciFi Multiverse6 days ago

.The joy of been with your friends is really a good interesting one missed with some touch of emissions.
Staying with friends make you very happy and also bring you close to them with fun and other source of enjoyment.

It was very fun today staying with my course mate together in a place called grand Lotte to have fun and feel ourselves.
But it was so interesting and loving having them around because it has been long we stayed together like this as course mates and friends.
But today we decided to be with each other , stay together and have fun with one another .
Which is really nice.

It was really a nice one staying with them .
Been around my course mate is really a good one , they are all good and fun to be with, with the joy of staying together as nurses but male and female nurses, it's really a nice one.

We just sit out stayed together sip some drink and dance out our joy in the midst of everyone. Even the ones that can't dance were there shaking there body and cracking jokes ..
Is true that some people are not social in terms of socialization but despite that , everybody that came out today really showed his or her best base in socialization and other aspect...

Today was really made of lot of fun and i really appreciate all of my colleagues for coming out in group and making this day a success and a very enjoyable and memorable.
It was not an easy journey during our school days in the past but despite how tough it was during those days God still did it for us.
Thanks you all for stopping and reading my blog today @kc6729 i really appreciate..


Isn't that a medical care centre?
Or it's Syrup you guys took.....
No mind me. Lol😂

Having friends around has a special feeling

Yea, it was my friends i went out with