It has really been a good one staying indoors since few days now just to have rest and reduce the stress of everyday work and school as well.
Rest is a vital thing we have to consider in our daily living because it have so many things to add to our body both physically emotionally and mentally.
We really need this rest especially now that the temperature of the weather really going high everyday and day over here .
Though some countries are experiencing a very cool and cold weather, very cold, but over here is very hot. Even to trek for a short distance is very difficult because before walking like 10 steps away from you house you will be very hot and sweeting very hard as if you are just been release from ovum.
It is very hot over here and we definitely need this rest in which i have stated above..
Just walked out of my house to strengthen myself just like two Poles away from my house , it was funny though is exercise but the weather is very hot just as if someone just set fire on it.
I think the best thing to do now is to go to swimming pool and have a calm swimming and enjoy the weather.
Swimming now will be very necessary because it will calm your nerves and make you enjoy the weather.
Just planning on how to go for a swimming with some of my friends and have a lot of fun
Did that before with them and it was really amazing and there was a lot of fun and i believe same fun will be achieved.
I think swimming is the best thing to do now so as to enjoy the weather
Thanks for stopping and reading my blog today @kc6729 i really appreciate.
Very true. In this very hot weather, swimming is a big leisure to have fun and to cool the body too
Yes dear