First of all, let us define what is electricity, electricity can be defined as a phenomenon caused by the distribution and movement of charged subatomic particles and their interaction with the electromagnetic field.
So how does electric power supply flow in my country. I am from Nigeria by the way.
The state of electric power supply is not pleasant if put in a nice way. There are areas which have no access to power supply, there are areas which though they have access to power supply it is very weak in the sense that they get power supply once in a while.
The use of prepaid meters was introduced in the year 2006 which is a very welcome development because at least you know the accurate amount of electricity you have consumed but it is still not spread throughout every home in the entire country. The introduction of the prepaid meters help checkmates the unexplainable and high bills by the PHCN which is short for the Power Holding Company of Nigeria which is the company in charge for almost all the power supply in Nigeria while the rest are supplemented by private companies. Their (PHCN) bills most times are outrageous, it is as if someone somewhere just sits down and randomly assigns crazy figures to each house and the household itself has no option than to pay said crazy or your electricity will be disconnected from the pole. It can be really depressing and frustrating when you are paying good amount of money, and you are not getting the equal amount of value and satisfaction from it.
Another advantage of prepaid meters is areas where prepaid meters are rampant, they experience a good rate of electric power supply. This is because only when there is a good amount of electricity can the amount of your power supply available in the prepaid meter be expended.
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The prepaid meters helps you get the valur of your money.
The prepaid meter is way better than the postpaid. Imagine not having access to electricity for more than five times in a month and these people won't still care they would just come over to your house to disturb you for what you didn't even enjoy.
One of the advantages of prepaid meter is that even when there is no power supply, your unit still remains the same unlike that of postpaid where unimaginable amount of money will be asked to paid at the end of the month not caring if there was stable power supply