Life in itself is a teacher and it teaches best more than anything else. The best subject of life is experience, the experiences each and everyone human have gathered so far is where we now find ourselves. So, decision making is what leads to taking steps and the steps taking either good or bad makes experiences at the end.
Though, some of the decisons have made us what we are today, and to some, their lifetimes decisons have marred them. But one thing I have discovered so far about life is that, it's full of emotions and feeling and this emotion has really led us to taking decisions in the past.
Now, there's lots of emotional decisions that have been taken by the individual human that has led us to where we are right now.
The decision might have been taken when we are happy or angry, but no matter what prompted to taking decision in life, the consequences of such decision will always become experiences and lessons to both the person that have taken the decision and to others that are watching by.
So, in life, when taking decision, we must be very careful and mindful of our state of emotions may good or bad. No wonder there's this general belief in my area that if you are happy, don't make promises and likewise if you are angry, never say a word. What this belief means is that, the decision taking with these two emotional states might be a wrong decision which might not be from one's original mind.
So, with the popular belief that I have just mentioned above, I will like to share with us one of those emotional decisions I have taken in life. When I say, one of the emotional decisions I have taken, it means I have taken so many emotional decisions in my life. But the one I would like to share with us was the recent one which happened between myself and a man whom I have been forewarned not to partner with in a business, but because of the empathy I have for this man due to his state of living, I decided to partner with him against the advice of my family, most especially my wife.
It all began in the month of January, 2024. when I met with a man who was into pig farming in my neighborhood. Though, I have known him for a very long time with this his pig farming of a thing, but something happened to him that made him run into loss.
So, as a result of the loss, he has nothing to do again than to just be roaming about the street. So, one day while at home, the man came to me.and asked me to lend him some amount of money, which I obliged to give him what I can afford instead of lending him.
So, immediately he left, I was moved with compassion seeing how the man was faring compared to whom he was in the past and as a result, I decided to come to his aid, now not as a lender or giver, but to form a partnership with him. Though he has nothing to offer interm of capital, but when it comes to experience, the man was endowed.
So, after I have deeply thought about this move of mine within myself, I took my time to discuss it with my wife, whom totally rejected and rubbished the idea, she cited series of reasons why I should not form a partnership business with the man and after everything, she warned me not to go ahead, but I insisted to partner with this man just because of my empathy for him. Though, I also have my personal interest of making gain, but the empathy I have for him was so much.
So, after everything, we started the business, but not long after we started together, things began to move as was planned and we were both making gains with me taking the lion share of the profit made.
But suddenly, thing began to change as I noticed strange acts from this man, so, when I couldn't bear with his attitude again, I called him and told him what I discovered about his recent behavior which he falsefully denied, and when I noticed he was not willing to change, I took a drastic step of quitting the partnership with him and that's the best decision I have ever taking in my life. Though it's hard to take due to the level of investment I have invested into the business, but I'm now happy I took the decision.
So, to cap it all I'm now doing well in my new business. So, one must be careful when taking decision and this is because, decision taking out of emotion maybe when you happy or angry can be dangerous than expected.
This is my entry to the sciFi weekly prompt.
Thanks for reading.
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I am certain that there was a period when you thought of what your wife told you immediately you started noticing the man’s behavior, it’s all good as long you were able to retrieve your steps
Thanks for stopping by
People behave in unimaginable ways no matter how good you are or have been to them. Thankfully, you’re doing well in your business now so you do not have to worry so much about what you invested in the piggery business.
Yes, thank you for stopping by